
You will harvest them a month earlier: how to grow large onions

Alina MilsentLife
Harvesting onions

Onions seem to be a rather unpretentious crop, so gardeners sometimes neglect the basic rules of planting. It would seem that you don't have to worry about fertilizing and crop rotation and that the onions will grow on their own. And then comes the time of unjustified expectations, when small, rotten bulbs grow instead of a quality crop.

Spring planting should begin when the ground is warm enough. Read the OBOZ.UA article on how to grow a generous onion harvest a month earlier.

How to plant onions

In the spring, onions are usually planted in early May, and winter planting is carried out in still warm soil: from October 5 to 20.

Clay soil can have a negative impact on the development of the bulb, so it is worth adding rotted compost in advance or improving the fertility of the bed with the help of green manure plants.

The main mistake is excessive planting depth. Onions do not need to be deeply buried as they grow almost on the soil surface. Shallow planting will contribute to better growth and longer storage of the crop.

Crop rotation rules

Crop rotation rules should not be neglected. It is best to plant onions in the beds where cucumbers, legumes or carrots grew last year. Seedlings will also sprout well after potatoes.


After winter, the soil has few nutrients left in it, so the deficit of useful minerals and trace elements should be replenished.

An important caveat: experts advise fertilizing the soil in advance, not a few days before planting onions.

You can use an affordable and natural fertilizer: wood ash. The costs will be low: only 200 g of fertilizer will be needed per square meter.

Another option is potash fertilizers. For 20 g of potassium sulfate, you should take 40 g of superphosphate and add it to the soil.

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