
Five zodiac signs are considered unlucky: luck and money seem to "pass them by"

Natalia SofienkoLife
Five zodiac signs are considered unlucky: luck and money seem to "pass them by"

The term "losers" doesn't necessarily refer to individuals who are disappointed after losing something; rather, it often implies people who have difficulty handling defeat and may exhibit intense reactions.

Astrologers at Reopleactmagazine have identified five zodiac signs believed to struggle in this aspect, where luck and financial success may seem elusive.


Aries is highly competitive, with an intense desire for victory. Winning is crucial for them, even in seemingly trivial matters like finding a parking spot or gaining more Twitter followers. Aries may not handle losses well, often displaying a lack of mercy, even in situations where others were unaware of being part of Aries' secret competitions. However, Aries tends to focus more on their victories than dwelling on losses.


Capricorn may face challenges in the workplace, particularly when colleagues receive praise for similar achievements or complete projects before them. Comparing themselves to others, Capricorns may struggle with feelings of inadequacy, believing they'll never achieve success, regardless of their efforts.


Leo seeks attention and desires significant victories, such as winning an election or an Oscar. Leos, being highly competitive, can experience significant blows when they don't achieve their goals. They are determined not to feel like failures, regardless of the context.


Cancers take both wins and losses seriously, investing emotionally in any competition, even casual games with family. For Cancers, victory holds paramount importance, and discussing defeat is often discouraged.


Taurus is characterized as one of the most challenging signs to compete with, as they can react poorly to losses. When Taurus experiences defeat, they may express anger, throw things, and attempt to destroy their surroundings. Others often avoid competing with Taurus due to these intense reactions.

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