
Do not miss the right time: when to prune roses to ensure lush blooming

Anna OnishchenkoLife
Pruning roses in spring

Roses are one of the most beautiful flowers that adorn any garden. To keep them delighting you with their lush blooms throughout the season, it is important to take proper care of them.

Spring pruning is very important for roses. Gradina Max told us how to do it correctly and on time.

It would seem that nothing could be easier than just pruning roses. However, if you do it at the wrong time and with the wrong tools or do not take into account the peculiarities of pruning different varieties, you can harm the plant. On the other hand, if you do it right, you can even provoke re-flowering.

When to prune roses

In spring, roses should be pruned when the buds are swelling but have not yet begun to grow. This usually happens between March and April, depending on the weather conditions. When this happens, choose a clear and sunny day to get to work.

Do not miss the right time: when to prune roses to ensure lush blooming

If there is a forsythia bush growing near you, you can focus on it.

When most shrubs are just beginning to wake up after hibernation, this plant is already opening its golden bell-shaped flowers. It is at this time that you can start pruning roses.

What tools to use

As a rule, pruning shears and special scissors are used for pruning roses. Before using them, be sure to disinfect them in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

First, you should do sanitary pruning, that is, remove all dry, weak, and damaged branches, and then proceed to formative pruning.

The cut should be made at a 45-degree angle 5-7 mm above the bud. In addition, do not forget to look at the quality of the cut. If it has a milky white color without any inclusions, then everything is fine. But if it has brown spots, you need to make cuts until you see a healthy part of the plant.

How to prune shrub roses

After the procedure, the rose should have several strong shoots shortened to 3-5 buds. The upper bud should face outward, and the cuts should be directed downward.

Bushes can be formed in different ways. Depending on how you do it, you will get different flowering.

Hybrid tea roses are usually pruned quite intensively. Shoots older than two years are cut out completely, and annuals are shortened to 5-6 buds. In the end, the height of an adult bush after pruning should be 20-25 cm.

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