
Wedding during the war. 5 fashionable and practical ideas for getting married

Kateryna MalayLife
Fashion experts showed 5 fashionable and practical ideas for getting married

As the bitter experience has shown, the full-scale war did not cause the Ukrainians to lose their spirits, but rather gave them an incentive to live their lives more colorfully. Many soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine expressed their desire to get married after the end of hostilities, and even more civilian couples made a similar decision in peaceful cities.

For this reason, the demand for luxurious wedding dresses is still strong. Fashion magazine Vogue has presented 5 stylish and practical wedding dress ideas for weddings during the war in Ukraine (scroll to the bottom of the page to see photos).


For girls who have not dreamed of princesses in puffy dresses since childhood, but prefer comfort and elegance, the best option is a simple silk combination that can be diluted with bright accessories or shoes.

Silk combination will look stylish and expensive

Embroidered dress

A luxurious embroidered dress has long been not just an element of national dress, but a suitable outfit even for social events. Dresses made of linen or cotton with embroidered patterns are the embodiment of love, so they are perfect for weddings.

Embroidered dress - the personification of love


The world is slowly moving away from stereotypical wedding dresses, which are usually seen as lush, long and with a train. Such an outfit is rarely practical and comfortable, unlike the mini version.

Mini can also be used for weddings

The pantsuit

What could be more comfortable than a wedding dress? A wedding pantsuit! It looks elegant, stylish, expensive and sophisticated. A nice bonus is that you can repeat this look more than once when attending other special events.

The white pantsuit is a great analogue to the dress

Structured fabric

To stand out from the crowd of lace, chiffon, satin, and silk lovers, experts advise paying attention to structured fabrics and not being afraid to experiment. For example, ribbed or corrugated fabric also has the right to live in wedding looks.

Structured fabric is suitable for weddings

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