
103-year-old veteran names the best breakfast for long-livers

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The man calls avocado and bacon the secret of his longevity

Red meat and all its derivatives are called one of the main enemies of health and longevity. Joe Ferreri, a resident of Bryan, Texas, disagrees with this statement.

According to the local KBTX, the man recently celebrated his 103rd birthday and received many congratulations, including from the governor of the state, Greg Abbott, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. When Ferreri was visited by journalists, they naturally asked him about the secret of his longevity, and the man told them in detail. "I just eat right, sleep well, and don't drink alcohol. I stopped it a long time ago. And I don't smoke," the birthday boy said.

He also admitted what he eats for breakfast every day. And one product in this meal is a delicacy that doctors do not approve of. This product is bacon. In addition to it, Ferreri eats fresh avocado in the morning.

In addition, the Texas long-liver recommended that anyone who wants to live a long life should move as much as possible. His dog helps him with this, and he continues to exercise daily.

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