
5 unusual ways to get rid of alcohol breath

Kateryna MalayLife
Experts have named 5 ways to get rid of alcohol breath. Source: Pexel

Experts say that the smell of alcohol and alcohol breath are two different phenomena, and you can get rid of them in different ways. In particular, there is a myth that chewing gum and brushing your teeth can remove the unpleasant aroma, but this is not entirely true.

Alcohol breath can be easily removed with lemon or mint paste, but it doesn't last long. Over time, ethanol breakdown products will form in the body, which will cause a "breath" even after a good rinse, Lifehacker writes (to see the photo, scroll to the bottom of the page).

A number of atypical ways that few people remember in moments of intoxication will help not only mask the breath but also speed up the elimination of alcohol from the body.


Exercise or a walk will fill the liver with the necessary oxygen, which will speed up the "cleansing" process. In addition, increased deep breathing helps to cleanse the lungs, which means that the burnout becomes less noticeable.

5 unusual ways to get rid of alcohol breath


Exotic spices with a persistent aroma such as pepper and spices will "start" the metabolism and help to quickly remove the effects of an evening party from the body.

Exotic spices will ''start'' the metabolism

The right breakfast

No matter how queasy your stomach is in the morning, experts advise you to overcome yourself and have a healthy breakfast. For example, scrambled eggs or a lean meat steak. These dishes are rich in amino acids and protein, which help the liver process ethyl alcohol residues faster.

You need to have a proper breakfast in the morning

Take a warm shower

Another way to remove ethanol breakdown products is through the pores. In this case, a warm and thorough shower will help, but you can also try a contrasting option. It will not only cleanse the skin but also speed up the metabolism.

A contrast shower will speed up your metabolism


The fifth and last way that alcohol residues are eliminated from the body is through urine. To speed up this process, experts recommend drinking more water, tea, and coffee. The latter also has a diuretic effect.

Coffee has a diuretic effect

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