
15 phrases not to say to men: it can destroy a marriage

Maryna PohorilkoLife
The phrases that should not be said to a man

Relationships in a couple often depend on the ability to communicate and understand your partner. To save a marriage, it can be enough to simply not "nag" your spouse and give up some phrases that have a destructive effect.

Even in a state of anger, it is sometimes better to keep your mouth shut so that you don't have to apologize later. So, OBOZREVATEL found out what phrases are better not to say to a man.

1. "I always do everything myself". Despite your constant housework, this may not be all the things that are done in the family and for the family. Instead of constant complaints, it is better to praise your partner more often, and you will soon notice significant changes.

2. "I'll show you how it's done". Men feel confident when they think they can solve life's problems, even the most insignificant ones. When a woman intervenes and directs her man's behavior, especially when he has not asked for it, it is a direct message to him that he is incompetent. If you have ideas, it is better to offer help with a phrase: "I have a suggestion, if you like."

3. "You never listen to me". Many women say this when they quarrel with their boyfriend or husband because they know it gets on their nerves. Even if this is true, you should avoid an accusatory tone and watch how you say these words. Instead of accusations, you should gently explain to the man that his actions have disappointed you and that you would like him to start listening to you more.

4. "Stay away from me". These words can hurt your husband's feelings, especially if they are said during a quarrel. It will sound like you are pushing him away, but you will most likely regret it later, so it is better to refrain from saying such words.

5. "What's wrong with you?" This is one of the worst phrases you can say to your partner. It's one thing if it's a joke, but if it's serious, a man can get upset.

6. "Is that all you did?" If you expected something from your husband, but did not clearly articulate all your wishes, you should admit it, rather than letting him feel very disappointed. Instead of blaming him, you can tell him that you appreciate his help and that next time you will be more specific about what you want to see. Your husband will appreciate this and will want to do better in the future.

7 . "What the hell were you thinking?" Sometimes just support is enough, not reproaches, especially in a rude way. If you really want to, you can try saying: "If it were me, I would have done...".

8. "You're pathetic" A woman should never say this to her man. Even if he said something critical and it sounded like he was attacking you, returning it in the same coin is not an ideal solution. Be an adult.

9. "My ex has always been good..." You should never say this phrase to your partner either. Put yourself in your husband's shoes - how upset were you about this? This is exactly how he will feel. Never humiliate your man by comparing him to anyone, especially your ex.

10. "Watch the kids, but don't screw up!" Your husband may not be as good with children as you are, but that doesn't give you the right to control him. He may have his own way of playing with or caring for children, and you should respect that. Of course, tell him that you will be available if he needs anything, but you don't need to teach him.

11. "It's okay!" This is a very dangerous phrase. Experience has already taught your husband that when you say that everything is normal, it is far from normal. Don't let him wonder what went wrong or get upset because he doesn't know what to do. It is better to say openly what offended you.

12. "You would understand if you loved me." No, no, darling! He will understand if you tell him. He loves you, and he wants to be a part of all your joys and help you with all your sorrows. Do not devalue his efforts by saying harsh things.

13. "Your family is bad!" We are all very sensitive about our families and the people we have lived with since birth. Instead of openly insulting, tell your husband what you didn't like. This will not only give you some peace of mind, but it will also help him resolve the crisis before things get out of hand.

14. "I wish I hadn't married you!" Such harsh statements only mean that you don't value the relationship. This will make your man think that you can live without him and lead to a breakup.

15. "It's all your fault!" Everything is never the fault of one person. There are times when a situation can be avoided, but it happened. Evaluate all the events and try to understand why something went wrong. Remember that communication is the key to solving all problems.

As reported by OBOZREVATEL:

- It's important to know the signs that can give away a person who is lying in a relationship. Read the article to find out what behavioral abnormalities and gestures can give a liar away;

- you should talk about problems honestly and openly, without being silent, using manipulative phrases, or resorting to passive aggression.

Only verified information is available on our Obozrevatel Telegram channel and Viber. Don't fall for fakes!

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