
How not to cook food: top 5 most common mistakes that everyone has made

Kateryna YagovychFood
Mistakes during cooking. Source: pixabay.com

For some, cooking is a hobby, for others, it's a job, for others, it's an impossible task. But everyone has the same problems when cooking. Also, the same mistakes.

FoodOboz editorial team will tell you about the 5 most common ones. They can ruin your dish.

Inconsistency of ingredients in the recipe

Many housewives, after seeing an interesting recipe on social media, immediately start cooking. Then it turns out that the necessary ingredients are not enough. That's why the components are replaced. But if you're cooking for the first time, don't experiment, because you won't get the right taste

The wrong knife

The knife is actually very important. You need to use a separate knife for each product: meat, fish, cheese, vegetables. This affects the taste and appearance of the dish.

Taste a dish only after it's cooked

It's important to control the flavor of a dish while creating it. That's why you should taste the food you're cooking from time to time. This way, you can adjust the amount of spices and consistency and make sure you create a successful culinary masterpiece.

Very important little things

If you're watching a video recipe, pay close attention to the cook. He may not be vocal, but he may perform certain actions. For example, preheat the oven. As a result, you can simply spoil the food.


You should cook a dish right away and concentrate on it. If you do other things at the same time, you can easily forget about what is being fried in the pan or baked in the oven.

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