
How to store garlic properly to keep it fresh for a long time: simple tips

Kateryna YagovychFood
Tips to help keep garlic fresh for a long time

Garlic is a great spice for many dishes. It gives a wonderful aroma and spicy flavor. But if stored improperly, it can quickly spoil and spread an unpleasant odor. So if you still keep garlic at arm's length to quickly add to your culinary masterpieces, it's worth reconsidering this habit.

The American publication INSIDER has collected tips to help you store garlic in such a way that the product always remains tasty and fresh.

Under the right conditions, garlic can be stored for up to six months.

How to store garlic properly to keep it fresh for a long time: simple tips

Which garlic is better to choose

You should buy dense, firm heads of garlic with intact skin and no signs of mold. The heavier the product, the more water it contains, which means it is fresher. The garlic should not squeeze when lightly squeezed.

How to store whole, peeled or chopped garlic

The way you store garlic will depend on how you plan to use it. The most versatile method is to store whole heads in a cool, dry place. Keep garlic heads away from light, heat, and moisture and store in a cool, dry place with good ventilation. A basket or open paper bag is suitable. You can also use a container with holes in the side and a lid. The refrigerator should be avoided in this situation - garlic sprouts and green stems appear.

How to store garlic properly to keep it fresh for a long time: simple tips

Peeled cloves

They should be stored in an airtight container, such as a jar in the refrigerator. It is best to choose a glass one.

After peeling, the shelf life of garlic is significantly reduced - it is better to use it within a week.

Chopped garlic

It is better to use it immediately, but if necessary, it can be sealed and stored in the refrigerator for another day.

How to store garlic properly to keep it fresh for a long time: simple tips

Is it possible to freeze garlic

Like chilled garlic, frozen garlic loses its texture, but it still tastes great. So use it in dishes where texture is not important.

To freeze minced garlic, pack it in small jars, leaving room for expansion. The shelf life is up to three months. You can also freeze minced garlic in oil without the risk of botulism. Chop the product and place it in a jar or ice cube tray. Pour oil on top and freeze immediately. Store for up to three months.

How to store garlic properly to keep it fresh for a long time: simple tips

You can also freeze whole peeled garlic cloves in an airtight container or a zippered freezer bag for up to three months.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL reported how to properly store opened sparkling wine according to expert advice

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