
How to clean glassware to a shine: five simple ways

Nadiya DanyshchukFood
How to clean glassware: tips for housewives

Inexpensive products that are available in every kitchen can help restore the shine and attractiveness of glassware. For example, baking soda and vinegar can cope with almost any dirt.

Five simple ways to restore shine to glassware were described by Global Happenings. These life hacks will make your favorite salad bowls, vases, and glasses shine like new.


How to clean glassware to a shine: five simple ways

Dampen a paper towel with plain vinegar and wipe the glass surface of the cookware well. Then rinse it in warm water and dry it. The glass will regain its original shine and clarity.


How to clean glassware to a shine: five simple ways

Lemon can help give glassware a beautiful shine. You can mix lemon juice with a little water or just use a slice of lemon. Wipe the glass with the lemon juice and then wipe it dry with a cloth. After this procedure, the glass will shine again.

Baking soda

How to clean glassware to a shine: five simple ways

Baking soda is a kitchen staple that can easily remove almost any kind of dirt and restore a beautiful shine and cleanliness to glassware. Pour baking soda onto a sponge and rub the glass surface well. Then rinse the glassware in running water.


How to clean glassware to a shine: five simple ways

Dirty and dull spots can be cleaned with table salt. Put the dishes in the salt solution for 20-30 minutes. Then scrub with a sponge and rinse with water.

Laundry soap

How to clean glassware to a shine: five simple ways

Grate a small bar of laundry soap into a 7-8 liter bowl of warm water, add a few tablespoons of baking soda, stir until dissolved, and immerse the glassware you want to restore in the solution. Leave on for half an hour, then rub with a sponge and rinse well.

Bonus life hack

How to clean glassware to a shine: five simple ways

There are dishes, such as tall glasses or vases, that are very difficult to reach the inside of. To wash the muddy and dirty bottom, pour a little warm water into such a vessel, add a spoonful of vinegar, and leave it for half an hour. Then throw in a handful of rice and shake well. This mixture will remove dirt and restore a beautiful shine to your dishes.

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