
TV presenter Tetiana Vysotska impressed with the amount of money a Ukrainian needs to leave the occupation

Tetiana Vysotska

STB TV presenter Tetiana Vysotska, who was born and raised in the Kherson region and has been helping her husband's parents to leave the region for Kyiv since the beginning of the occupation, told us whether it is possible to get out of the temporarily occupied territory now. The TV presenter also named the amount of money that Ukrainians need to leave.

Tetiana Vysotska said this in an interview with OBOZ.UA. The TV presenter runs the #KhersonVoices section on her social media, where she tells stories of Ukrainians who are under the rule of the occupiers. Her fellow countrymen send her stories in personal messages.

"It is possible to leave the occupied territory, but I was shocked when I was told how much it costs now," says Tetiana Vysotska. "People go through Crimea, then Russia, and from there to Poland and the Czech Republic. It all costs at least 500 dollars per person. You must admit that this is an unaffordable amount, for example, for a pensioner. And there are mostly elderly people left there."

According to the TV presenter, the situation with pension payments in the occupied territories is very difficult: "It's almost impossible to get a Ukrainian pension now because you need to verify your card, that you exist, that you are alive. Only then will you continue to receive money. It is extremely difficult to do this. First, the Internet is weak. Secondly, it's a challenge for a pensioner to deal with gadgets. Only those who have at least some kind of garden survive because this is how they can provide themselves with the most necessary things. Meanwhile, the Russians go from apartment to apartment and house to look for nice buildings without owners and move in... Occupation is probably the worst thing that can happen to civilians in this war after captivity."

"Unfortunately, we know little about their current life," adds Tetiana Vysotska, "People are afraid to talk, and there is poor communication with them, and a weak internet connection. Therefore, every news from the occupied territories is very valuable to me. I understand the risk people take to report something. But, of course, there is some news. For example, recently there was a story about Oleshky in the left-bank Kherson region, and I will post this story soon."

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