
Irma Vitovska has named the main reason why Ukrainians spoke Russian again after 2022, even though they call themselves patriots

Irma Vitovska has named the main reason why Ukrainians spoke Russian again after 2022. Source:

Ukrainian theater and film actress Irma Vitovska explained why, in her opinion, Ukrainians have started speaking Russian again, despite the fact that in 2022 it was almost unheard on the streets. Even those with pro-Ukrainian views, ideas, and positions.

In an interview on the Yellow Sneakers YouTube channel with Yulia Borysko, the actress admitted that she is very triggered by the Russian language in Kyiv, in particular by the fact that it is still the dominant language. And the main reason why Ukrainians are speaking Russian again is laziness.

"Convenient is the first answer," Irma says.

The actress says that she knows a lot of people who speak Russian in everyday life, but they have a pro-Ukrainian position. However, instead of switching to Ukrainian, they look for arguments as to why they shouldn't. Among those Irma has heard most often, she names the following:

  • "Language is not the main thing"
  • "The path to switching to Ukrainian should be longer, without coercion"
  • "They are used to it"
  • "There are soldiers who speak Russian"
  • Or they cling to the idea that "we shouldn't give this language to the Russians." In other words, there is an attempt to separate the Russian language from Russia.

"But I know that for 70% of these people, the main reason is simply personal laziness. Because you need to work on yourself and make efforts," Vitovska concludes.

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