
How to wash windows to keep them clean longer: effective grandmotherly methods

Vinegar, lemon, starch, and even tea can help you clean windows easily

The weather conditions in our latitudes with frequent rains mean that windows get dirty quite quickly, no matter how much you wash them. That's why they need to be cleaned every few months. And since this process is not easy, many people put it off until the last minute, looking at the world through a dusty window with stains and streaks for some time.

However, there are products that allow windows to stay clean longer and, accordingly, you will have to wash them no more than twice a year. And expensive factory chemicals are not needed here. OBOZREVATEL tells you about these recipes.


Vinegar dissolves typical window dirt well and allows you to clean glass quickly and easily. Dilute it in a 1:1 ratio with warm water. The solution is poured into a spray bottle and is ready to use immediately. To make it smell more pleasant, you can add 10 drops of your favourite essential oil. For example, lavender or rose. In this case, you will need to mix the liquid thoroughly.

Lemon juice

Another product based on natural acid that will easily clean windows and make them shine longer. Take a tablespoon of strained lemon juice per litre of water. Use the mixture with a spray bottle.

Lemon juice and tea

The tannins in tea will help clean the glass and protect it from rapid re-contamination. Take three black tea bags and brew them in a litre of warm water, then add a tablespoon of lemon juice. The window spray is ready.

Alcohol and starch

Adding cornstarch to the product will help you wash your windows without streaks, while alcohol will clean the glass to a shine. To make the liquid, take a quarter cup of white vinegar, a quarter cup of rubbing alcohol, a tablespoon of cornstarch and half a litre of warm water. Mix the ingredients thoroughly so that the starch is completely dissolved. You can flavour this remedy with your favourite essential oil.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told about six non-obvious vinegar-based products for cleaning the house.

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