
How to choose the perfect perfume for the summer: 5 rules for true fashionistas

Light fragrances are the main rule for summer

In hot weather, we try to wear lightweight clothes, because dense materials or things made of unnatural fabrics will be completely inappropriate for the summer heat. The same goes for perfumes: heavy and intense fragrances should be left for autumn and winter, and for the summer season, you need to choose something simpler and more lightweight.

OBOZREVATEL will tell you what rules you should use in an eau de toilette store to buy the perfect scent for hot days. Take a responsible approach to building a perfume wardrobe.

1. Give up oil-based perfumes

As a rule, oil-based perfumes have a high concentration of perfume aromas. In extreme heat, almost any composition, even the freshest, will seem cloying. You hardly dream of having a halo of thick smell around you. There is another reason why it is better to put this perfume on hold until the cold weather arrives - it can cause burns on the skin when exposed to ultraviolet light.

2. Say no to high concentrations of perfume

In summer, avoid buying concentrated, long-lasting perfumes. Eau de toilette is more suitable. They preserve your favourite perfume notes, but they are not as long-lasting. The scent will last on the body for 3-6 hours and will sound much more delicate and comfortable. In addition, consider buying a product without alcohol in the composition. The packaging should say "alcohol free".


3. Use a solid perfume

Solid perfumes are a great alternative for summer. They are made on the basis of waxes and soft base oils in low concentration. Moreover, the creamy consistency of the product is easy to use, and the scent is light and unobtrusive. The only drawback is that their scent lasts for 2-4 hours.

4. Choose the most simple and fresh scents possible

A simple scent is not always a bad thing. Many fashionistas claim that mono-fragrances are more like air fresheners or eau de toilette from the past. But they will be more appropriate than ever in the summer. Pay attention to tea or mown grass scents, berry mixes, floral, citrus.


5. Test the "hair mist"

Hair haze is a fairly new product on the perfume market. This product is applied directly to the curls and gives off a fragrance for a long time. The product will not harm the skin, because the components in the perfume heat up under the scorching rays of the sun and can cause allergies, burns, and age spots. The haze is not washed off with water and has an unobtrusive smell.

Recently, OBOZREVATEL informed which hairstyles are ideal for summer. If you're tired of the banal high ponytails and buns, we'll tell you how to diversify these styles. Try a zigzag parting or add a headband to your look.

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