
Zhadan about Soloviy's cursing in Chornomorsk: Les Podervianskyi would be very surprised

Zhadan about Soloviy's swearing in Chornomorsk

Famous writer and performer Serhii Zhadan, who recently joined the National Guard of Ukraine, reacted to the profanity of his former partner, singer Khrystyna Soloviy. He noted that if the satirical poet Les Podervianskyi had been present at the event, he would have been "surprised" by the idea that our people began to use swearing only during the war.

The leader of the band "Zhadan and the Dogs" shared his thoughts during the Faine Misto charity festival, muzvar reports. According to the 49-year-old man, the audience's reaction was not caused by the artist's off-color statement, but by what it was about.

"Ukrainians did not react to the profanity, but to what it was directed at. This is the issue of decommunization. Let's not play these games," the public figure said.

Zhadan about Soloviy's cursing in Chornomorsk: Les Podervianskyi would be very surprised

According to Serhii Zhadan, he does not think that the 31-year-old soloist was behaving too expressively. The performer jokingly noted that the Ukrainian poet, known for his sharp satire, would have been "shocked" by such an incident: "I think if Les Podervianskyi was sitting here, he would be very surprised if you said that Ukrainians started swearing during a full-scale war."

Earlier, OBOZ.UA reported that Khrystyna Soloviy got into a scandal because of her performance in the Odesa region. During the concert, the star said that, in her opinion, the former name of Chornomorsk, Illichivsk, was "complete bullsh*t". Later, an administrative report was drawn up against the singer over the incident.

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