
"There was a moment when I lost hope." Actress Kateryna Tyshkevych's mother gave her first interview about how her daughter was rescued

Natalia Malashchuk: "Miracles happen when everyone really wants them to"

Recently it became known that the popular actress Kateryna Tyshkevich (Nothing Happens Twice, On the Line of Life, Good Guy), who was in serious condition in the intensive care unit of an Odesa clinic for a week, has recovered. In an interview with OBOZ.UA, Natalia Malashchuk's mother shared the doctors' prognosis.

She also told what happened to her daughter, how the family went through terrible days when doctors gave no prognosis, and what unusual conclusion Katya herself made from what happened.

Kateryna Tyshkevych with her mother

- Natalia Oleksandrivna, what happened to Katya?

- Now the doctors have the main version: she got an infection in the hospital where she was treated for a headache she had been suffering from for a long time. She was hospitalized in this hospital, also in Odesa. And on the third day after the catheter was inserted, Katya's arm started to hurt and her temperature rose. At first, it was not connected to the arm, because the situation was not very severe - just thrombophlebitis, as sometimes happens after an intravenous drip.

But the temperature did not go down. Katya stayed at home on Saturday and Sunday, and on Monday morning, when they realized that her condition was rapidly deteriorating, they called an ambulance. Tests showed that there was severe inflammation in her body. Sepsis began. The arm was getting worse before our eyes. And it became clear: the cause was there.

The doctor who treated her in the hospital, where she was given an intravenous drip, came to Katia later and provided psychological support. We are waiting for the final results of the cause of what happened. Either the procedure was not properly cleaned, or there was a problem with the catheter, or the drug itself was not sterile - this is being investigated. Let the doctors make a decision and establish a cause-and-effect relationship. Katya has no bloodthirsty moods, the main thing is that other people do not get hurt.

- Did her body react in such a way, in particular, because it was weakened?

- Most likely, this also played a role. Katia has been in a very difficult psychological state lately because we have been looking for the cause of her headaches for a long time and constantly taking medication. Her immune system was really weakened due to emotional stress. Now the doctors have another version in the works, that perhaps the cause of her headaches is an autoimmune disease. But this still needs to be investigated to make a final decision. And maybe that's why she had such a reaction.

Valentyn Tomusyak stays with his wife in the hospital all the time

- How did you survive these difficult days?

- I was covered in darkness. I don't remember how I lived, how I slept - it was just a pitch black darkness. The clinic where we were admitted by ambulance, I believe, is the best in Odesa - they fought around the clock and selflessly. But I saw that even they were sometimes confused, everything was developing so fast. When they left the ward, I could see it in their eyes. And I knew what was happening - I was allowed to go to the intensive care unit. And Valik (famous Ukrainian actor Valentyn Tomusiak - Ed.) was by my side all the time. Until she was taken off the ventilator, those days were just black for us.

You know, the doctors at this clinic treated us with incredible compassion and attention. It is clear that they have the best equipment, but the human factor also played a role. I saw how they were sincerely worried. We are colleagues, both for her and for me (Natalia Malashchuk, chief physician at the medical center of Odesa Port Plant JSC - Ed.) We held consultations and engaged the best specialists. And how many people wrote us words of support! When it became clear that everything was improving, I think it was my Katya's second birthday. The peak was over, the terrible days were behind us.

My colleagues told me: you'll see, a miracle will happen. I also believed. I went to the church where she was baptized at the age of five - St. Elijah's Cathedral on Pushkinskaya Street. I prayed in front of the icons, begged and pleaded. And you know, now, as a doctor, I really evaluate what happened as a miracle. A miracle happened. Someone's prayers, I don't know whose, made it happen.

- What did she tell you when she came to?

- She does not remember those days, she was unconscious. When she started to come to, Valik and I were with her. We gently tried to tell her that she was coming back to us. You can't imagine how happy we were when she was transferred to a regular ward from the intensive care unit - just to the point of tears. You can't imagine how she reacted when she picked up the phone and saw how many people had written to her. She read them and cried and cried. She said: "There is so much warmth!" As soon as she felt that she could hold the phone in her hand, she started answering everyone.

- For some time, as you can see from Katia's social media, she was abroad in Bali. Did she go there to restore her emotional state?

- In Bali, she lived with a local family. She decided to go because she had lost faith in traditional medicine. And she started looking for other ways - spiritual ones. For years we traveled to the best doctors and clinics. We tried all possible methods of treatment. But there was no diagnosis. And she found this family, where she meditated a lot with them, gave up animal products. For six months she did not take pills and believed that everything would be fine. But the pain did not go away. So she returned home and went to the hospital.

And you know, now in conversations with us, she does not rule out that everything that happened to her was an idea from above. She says she had to go through this difficult path for something important to her.

- Tell us more about Katia as her mom. Has she always wanted to be an actress?

- When the contest "Mini Miss Pearl of the South 2005" was announced in Odesa, she said: "I want to". My husband and I, to be honest, didn't really get into it. We didn't think it would work out, but we were lucky. She successfully passed the competition and won the title. Later, she took a TV presenter course. And after the ninth grade, she entered a school with a theater emphasis and realized that this is what she wanted to do. She entered the Karpenko-Kary Theater University on a scholarship.

- Do you all watch her movies together? Does she like herself on the screen?

- She always has questions for herself, probably like any actor. And I love watching her work. "Nothing Happens Twice is probably her most famous project. I'm very proud of Katia, and so are my family and my colleagues. They were all very worried about her. Today, for the first time, I found the strength to go to work... My colleagues wrote to me and supported me financially. Before Valik started a social media fundraiser (and I want to say that it helped us incredibly, thank you all very much), we tried to cope on our own. My management was also very helpful.

To be honest, there was a moment when I was a bit discouraged. I had a terrible feeling when my husband and I were returning from the hospital in the car. It happened after an operation when doctors had to open her arm to find the cause of the inflammation. After the operation, she was already on a ventilator. We were driving home together with my husband, and I was looking for support somewhere in my mind, but I couldn't find it. I plunged into a completely black state at that moment. And now, when everything has gone to recovery, I know: you must never lose faith. People, never let yourself give up! Miracles happen when everyone wants them to. You cannot lose faith under any circumstances.

My husband, Katia's stepfather, raised her from childhood - he is a very strong-willed and strong man. He was very supportive of me. My younger daughter helped me a lot to stay strong - she wrote to me every half hour. Katya also has a half-sister, Yulia, my husband's daughter. She and Katya have been friends since childhood. Last summer, Yulia's husband died in the war, which is a great grief. And her husband's parents took her under their wing - now she lives with them in Spain. They also wrote a lot. Our whole family united.

Natalia Malashchuk with her daughter and son-in-law

- You speak so lovingly of your son-in-law Valik. It seems that he is also your child.

- I was just so lucky. Valik is a very bright person, sincere. He will never hurt anyone - that's his inner attitude. Katya recognized this in him right away. Ksenia, my youngest daughter, also has a very bright husband.

Katia is already walking slowly

- What do the doctors say now?

- I am constantly in touch with the doctor who treats Katya. She is very happy that her daughter is in a fighting mood. They started to slowly take her around the ward and the corridor. But later they decided to force things. She wanted to show the rehabilitators that she was strong, but the cardiogram showed that such loads should be restrained for now. She is being driven, but less frequently. She has a special device on her arm after the surgery, and it may be removed in a few days. And then she will be stitched up. And after some time we will talk about a possible discharge. Then there will be a period of rehabilitation.

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