
"How does it feel to sing on the bones?" A famous Russian rapper gave a concert for the occupiers in Donbas and was hated

Rapper ST gave a concert for the occupiers in Donbas and got hate mail

The popular Russian rapper ST (real name Oleksandr Stepanov) appeared in the Russian-occupied Luhansk region. There, he put on a cynical show in front of the occupiers, who are killing Ukrainian people and destroying once-peaceful cities. Unexpectedly, not all Russian fans praised the Kremlin jester.

For example, Stepanov received a lot of hate from the audience under his post from the so-called "LPR" on Instagram. Internet users wrote that they were disappointed in the celebrity.

"I went to the area of the Joint Forces Operation to perform for our soldiers. I performed both my well-known works and new songs with a guitar," the Putinist proudly wrote, adding a Russian tricolor emoticon to the text.

''How does it feel to sing on the bones?'' A famous Russian rapper gave a concert for the occupiers in Donbas and was hated

In addition, the Z-patriot has already boasted of his "feat," i.e., his trip to the occupied territories of Ukraine, to the propaganda media. In particular, he said the following: "I am very glad that I was able to come and talk to the guys, play for them. To find out how they live, what's going on in their lives, how their everyday life is organized. It's great, I'm very happy that I was able to raise their morale."

''How does it feel to sing on the bones?'' A famous Russian rapper gave a concert for the occupiers in Donbas and was hated

The rapper calls the captured Ukrainian cities and villages "new Russian regions". According to the Putinist, he has already been to many of them and is always "very happy to meet the locals."

Meanwhile, more and more negative comments are being posted under the artist's post. People write to him, in particular, the following: "How I hoped that Sasha was on the other side. He disappointed me, very much", "Complete disappointment. A reply", "Eh, it's a pity, unexpectedly of course. I'll probably unsubscribe from my wife, too", "Asshole... I used to think you were an adequate person", "How does it say on the bones?", "Shame, I had a better opinion of you", "How much is a conscience worth?"

''How does it feel to sing on the bones?'' A famous Russian rapper gave a concert for the occupiers in Donbas and was hated
''How does it feel to sing on the bones?'' A famous Russian rapper gave a concert for the occupiers in Donbas and was hated
''How does it feel to sing on the bones?'' A famous Russian rapper gave a concert for the occupiers in Donbas and was hated

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