
Hitler adored animals, used drugs and was impotent. 10 shocking facts about one of the world's most brutal executioners

The Fuhrer hid a lot from the public

The biography of Adolf Hitler, the leader of the German Nazis and one of the world's most brutal torturers, has been studied by more than one historian and psychologist who tried to understand his motives. In the course of communication with the Fuhrer's entourage and those who knew at least something about his personality, shocking facts were revealed that the tyrant had been hiding.

Over the years, these nuances have been mentioned in studies, books, and reports. OBOZ.UA decided to talk about some of Hitler's traits that rarely come up during conversations or history lessons.

The dictator loved animals

If the executioner did not reckon with people's lives, then furry animals have always been his weak point. Hitler even promoted vegetarianism so that animals would not be killed for food.

Hitler adored animals, used drugs and was impotent. 10 shocking facts about one of the world's most brutal executioners


The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, talking to the Fuhrer's inner circle, came to the conclusion that he was bisexual. In his life, Hitler often encountered homosexuals, so he had no aversion to love between men. However, his sexual relations still remain a mystery.

Hitler was impotent

The previous fact suggests that the Nazi leader never boasted about his mistresses or lovers. However, there is a logical explanation for this, as many historians believe that Hitler was impotent. There is also evidence that Adolf was wounded in the groin during World War I, which left a mark on his intimate relationships.

The dictator used drugs

Although the Nazis promoted a healthy lifestyle, and Hitler himself hated cigarette smoke, he was addicted to drugs. This treatment was prescribed to the executioner by a doctor.

Hitler adored animals, used drugs and was impotent. 10 shocking facts about one of the world's most brutal executioners

The Fuhrer's artistic abilities were underestimated

There is a joke among artists that one shouldn't criticize beginners in this field, because young Adolf once tried to enter an art academy twice and was rejected. They say, where did it lead him?

The dictator was ashamed of his body

The Nazi's entourage knew that Hitler hated to take off his clothes, dance, and look untidy. He did not visit beaches or swimming pools, afraid of being photographed naked and appearing unattractive.

The executioner refused to change the shape of his mustache

Even then, Adolf's friends and stylists hinted to him that the unusual shape of his mustache was unfashionable and looked stupid. However, their leader was convinced that if his mustache was considered ugly now, it would be a trend later.

Hitler adored animals, used drugs and was impotent. 10 shocking facts about one of the world's most brutal executioners

The tyrant was often offended

Analyzing the despot's actions, historians have come to the conclusion that he was a vulnerable person. Thus, not having received the 1939 Nobel Peace Prize, which was later awarded to his critics, Hitler forbade Germans to receive this award, as it allegedly became a symbol that insulted Germany and Nazism.

Hitler had 14 tasters

The paranoid leader surrounded himself with guards and people who tasted his food. Each meal with him could be the last for these 14 people.

The tyrant's life could have ended in childhood

Little Adolf did not know how to swim, but he loved to take risks. So he once fell through the ice, where he could have died if not for a teenager who rushed to his aid. Later, this boy became a priest, and Hitler unleashed one of the bloodiest wars in history.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA wrote that Putin accused the Poles themselves of the 1939 Nazi attack on Poland. According to the dictator, Poland "forced" Adolf Hitler to attack it because it "played around" and was "too intransigent."

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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