
Hennadii Khazanov was suspected in Russia of "covert support for Ukraine": Z-patriots demanded to check him for discrediting the Russian army

Hennadii Khazanov was suspected in Russia of "hidden support for Ukraine"

The famous Soviet and Russian actor, comedian, and TV presenter Hennadii Khazanov fell out of favor with the Z-patriots. After a long stay abroad, the artist returned to Moscow to give concerts. However, activists of the Veterans of Russia movement are demanding that his performances be canceled, and have also appealed to the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Oleksandr Bastrykin, to check the star for "discrediting the Russian army."

The reason for the "disaster" was a video that Khazanov posted from abroad in December 2023. The Russians saw it as "hidden support for Ukraine". Propaganda media wrote about this.

Thus, in the video, the actor quotes the writer Lev Tolstoi and says the following: "War is such an unjust, bad thing that those who fight try to drown out the voice of conscience. For the rulers, patriotism is nothing more than a tool to achieve power-hungry and selfish goals. And for the ruled, it is a renunciation of human dignity, reason, conscience, and slavish submission to those in power. Patriotism is slavery. Because of it, patriotism, as well as their ignorance, people turn into obedient slaves who blindly go to kill and die!"

Hennadii Khazanov was suspected in Russia of ''covert support for Ukraine'': Z-patriots demanded to check him for discrediting the Russian army

For fans of Putin and the terrorist war, these words have become a red herring. It turns out that they were the ones whom the actor called slaves, although it is worth emphasizing that Khazanov did not mention Ukraine or the policies of the current dictatorial president.

However, this did not stop the citizens of the terrorist country. They demanded that the star not be allowed to enter Russia and that his words be urgently checked for "discrediting the Russian army." Obviously, law enforcement officers did not find anything provocative in Khazanov's statements, so his concert took place on February 15.

Also on February 16, propaganda media published Khazanov's commentary on his "emigration" from the country. The artist assured that he was not going to move anywhere, and that he allegedly travels abroad only on vacation.

"No, I go when I have a vacation and come back. Where am I going to emigrate to? I'm working," the "controversial" actor said.

We would like to add that in 1996 Khazanov became a confidant of the first Russian president Boris Yeltsin, and in 2012 he became a confidant of Vladimir Putin, who was then re-elected for a third term. For many years, he maintained friendly relations with the Kremlin leader, as far as Putin is concerned.

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