
Called a Nazi and forced to take a picture with a Russian woman: Ukrainian woman shocked with details about the Miss Europe contest

Milena Melnychuk shocked with details about the Miss Europe contest

From February 15 to 25, the Lebanese capital, Beirut, hosted the Miss Europe 2024 pageant, where Ukraine was represented by Milena Melnychuk. No matter how absurd it may sound, a Russian girl from Kazan, Rosa Gadieva, became Miss Europe. "A girl from Turkey took the silver medal, and the third place went to Iryna Maksimovich from Vitebsk, Belarus. However, not only the winner of the contest and its bronze medalist are shocking, but also the attitude of the organizers and the Russian and Belarusian women to our beauty. Milena Melnychuk called this experience a real hell.

On her Instagram, the Ukrainian model posted a video in which she shared the shocking details of what she went through at the pageant. According to the girl, this is only 5% of the horror that happened to her.

According to Milena, the hell started even before she went to Lebanon. On the eve of the contest, she faced a barrage of hate from Russians. They deleted the Ukrainian's Instagram page, called her number, and threatened to kill her.

Called a Nazi and forced to take a picture with a Russian woman: Ukrainian woman shocked with details about the Miss Europe contest

"They threatened to use my IP address to find out where I was and kill me and my family. They called me a Nazi and a fascist. They threatened to launch missiles at my city and said that they had photoshopped my face into porn and posted it everywhere," Milena was shocked.

However, this was only the beginning. Already at the pageant, the Ukrainian woman faced a completely pro-Russian position of the organizers, who tried by all means to create a false picture of "friendship" between the participants from Ukraine and the terrorist state.

Called a Nazi and forced to take a picture with a Russian woman: Ukrainian woman shocked with details about the Miss Europe contest

"They forced me to take pictures with a Russian woman, and when I aggressively refused, they threatened me and said I was stupid and didn't understand anything. The Russian woman always tried to sit next to me and take pictures on her own, although I was constantly trying to hide from her. I have no complaints about her, she seemed normal as a person. The designer specifically gave us the same dresses so that we would look alike and like friends! The choreographer of the competition put me next to Rosyanka on the stage when I asked to move me, he said in Russian: "I don't give a f**k about the war in Ukraine." During the finals, this choreographer shouted 'khokhlushka' at me on stage," the Ukrainian said.

It is worth noting that Milena tried to "get out of the game" when she realized what she had gotten herself into. After posting a message on social media about her desire to disqualify, the organizers began to threaten the Ukrainian. "They even broke into the room with threats!" the girl admitted.

Another shocking incident, the video evidence of which Melnychuk published in a separate post, occurred after the competition on a bus with all the participants and, presumably, some of the organizers. The Belarusian woman, who took third place, literally attacked the Ukrainian woman. Iryna Maksimovich from Vitebsk was very drunk and allowed herself to say disgusting insults not only to her Ukrainian competitor but also to our country as a whole.

"Are you at war? Or are you shaking your boobs at a beauty pageant? Here you are, Ukraine, saying 'Belarus is sh*t' and 'Russia is sh*t'. Ukraine, why did you come out to shake your naked boobs? Why the f*ck did you come to a beauty pageant?" the Belarusian representative attacked Milena in drunken agony.

They tried to calm down the unruly participant. Someone could be heard asking her to calm down in Russian. It is likely that if the girl had not been taken away from the Ukrainian woman by force, even fists would have been used, as the Belarusian woman was extremely aggressive.

Another interesting point is the price of victory. The price in the literal sense of the word. Melnychuk shared: "The Belarusian woman bought the third place for €5000+ and told everyone about it herself. The Russian Ministry of Culture bought the victory for the participant for €20,000+, and during the whole competition, she boasted about the help from the president. She is 38 years old (information from managers from her country, which reached me through the girls)."

Called a Nazi and forced to take a picture with a Russian woman: Ukrainian woman shocked with details about the Miss Europe contest

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