
An American man met his brother by chance thanks to a weather forecast: the men hadn't realized each other existed for 50 years. Video.

An American found his brother thanks to the weather forecast

Randy Waits, an American who grew up without a father, accidentally found his brother. He did not even know about the existence of his relative until one day he saw him on TV.

This is reported by Up Worthy. While watching the weather forecast, Randy noticed that the man's last name was the same as his. One of the TV channel's correspondents was conducting a survey on the streets of Sacramento and local resident Eddie Waits became one of the participants in the program.


Although the text with the name disappeared from the screen after 10 seconds, Wates wondered how strange a coincidence it could be. He explained his curiosity by saying that he had never met anyone with his last name before.

An American man met his brother by chance thanks to a weather forecast: the men hadn't realized each other existed for 50 years. Video.


An American man asked his daughter Camille for help. When the girl looked at the man on TV, she could not believe her eyes. He looked very much like her father. Camilla Waits found the mysterious double on the Internet and then contacted him. And as it turned out, it was her father's brother.

An American man met his brother by chance thanks to a weather forecast: the men hadn't realized each other existed for 50 years. Video.

"It was funny, it was like we'd been friends for 20 years," Randy Waits said of his first conversation with a relative. For more than 50 years, they did not know about each other's existence.

An American man met his brother by chance thanks to a weather forecast: the men hadn't realized each other existed for 50 years. Video.


Eddie realized it was his brother as soon as he saw the photo. "As soon as I saw his picture, I saw my dad. I saw our dad," Eddie said. "It's all surreal. To have not only a brother, but a family that I didn't even know existed is beyond words," he added.

An American man met his brother by chance thanks to a weather forecast: the men hadn't realized each other existed for 50 years. Video.


All this time they lived 50 kilometers away. When the men finally met, they could not contain their emotions. Soon after, the brothers' families also met. "It's crazy," said Randy's 13-year-old son, Dalton, when he learned about the new family.

An American man met his brother by chance thanks to a weather forecast: the men hadn't realized each other existed for 50 years. Video.

Eddie said that from now on he wants to make up for all the lost moments and wants to spend as much time as possible with his brother. "I've never met my father, I've never seen a picture of him in my entire life," Randy said. He also added that his brother now shares their family history with him, telling him about his father and grandfather.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told about how a woman accidentally spoiled her son's proposal video in Italy: the video went viral.

Only verified information is available on the OBOZ.UA Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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