Greta Thunberg
Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg is a world-renowned Swedish eco-activist.
A brief biography of Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg was born in Stockholm, Sweden on January 3rd, 2003.
At the age of nine, Greta Thunberg was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, Asperger's syndrome and selective mutism.
Environmental issues began to concern Greta from the age of twelve. She soon persuaded her entire family to switch to a vegetarian menu, give up using cars and airplanes, and install solar panels at home.
In 2018, Greta Thunberg went on a solitary picket outside the Swedish parliament, protesting against global warming and calling it the "School Strike for Climate.
This made Greta Thunberg a household name, and her parents did everything they could to help publicize the young activist. She gave interviews to various media outlets, made speeches in parliaments of several countries, met with US President Barack Obama, the UN Secretary General and the Pope, was at the forum in Davos.
The popularity of Greta Thunberg has led to a wave of "school climate strikes" around the world. Teenage activists in Australia are a prime example of this type of protest.
Criticism of Greta Thunberg
Many media outlets accuse Greta Thunberg of being nothing more than a well-publicized public figure who is used by a number of world-class businessmen and business structures. Among the latter are Swedish businessman Ingmar Rentzhog, George Soros, the Club of Rome, the globalist Gates Foundation ONE.
After a series of "school climate strikes" in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel accused Greta Thunberg of acting in favor of Russia. Merkel emphasized that Thunberg calls for abandoning nuclear power plants and switching to gas-fired power plants, which would significantly increase Germany's energy dependence on the Russian Federation.
U.S. President Donald Trump is speaking out in spite of climate scientists, rejecting the Kyoto Protocol and other global measures and initiatives to combat climate change. He does not perceive Greta Thunberg as a serious problem or threat. He reacted to Tunberg's speech at the 2019 U.N. summit in the United States on his Twitter, calling the activist "a sweet girl who looks to the future."