

Anastasia Volochkova

Anastasia Volochkova

4 articles
Short biography

The biography of Anastasia Volochkova is full of ups and downs, achievements and disappointments. But in spite of all detractors, the star of success of the famous ballerina of Russia flares every year brighter and brighter.

Photos of Anastasia Volochkova are full of elegance, the twists and turns of her fate worry many women: after all, despite her star status, Nastya is just a very able-bodied and decent girl who fights for happiness and financial success in her life with her own hands, her own sweat and intelligence.

The main milestones of Anastasia Volochkova's biography are her love for ballet, which awoke in her at the age of 5(!) after watching the ballet "The Nutcracker" at the Mariinsky Theatre, hard work for many years and denying herself most of the tasty and physical pleasures, her career as a ballerina, the birth of her daughter Ariadna, her recent wedding to businessman Igor in 2007 - Ariadna's father and subsequent divorce in mid-autumn 2008.

The main quality of the graceful and strong ballerina's character is her demanding nature: she is very demanding not only to other people, to her ballet partners, but first of all to herself. She loves to work and "works" her work always with great pleasure.

So, for example, the Ukrainian singer Pavel Zibrov and his wife Marina before a personal meeting with the ballerina made their opinion about her according to gossip and reviews of familiar show business stars as a kind of capricious and bitchy diva.

However, when Nastenka agreed for an absolutely small fee to star in Pavel Zibrov's music video and for the whole shooting day and did not say a word to the demands of the clip-maker to shoot and reshoot some shots 5-10 times, the Zibrov family fell into a culture shock.

Moreover, in personal communication Volochkova said "thank you", "excuse me" even to the Zibrovs' nanny, not to mention other more significant persons.

Even more, as it turned out later, Anastasia at the time of filming in the clip was already 4.5 months pregnant ...

And at the same time plowed the entire shooting day, as a "breaking" and absolutely not capricious ballerina. Here and believe after this envious human rumor about this star and its "caprices" ....

The full name of the most famous ballerina of Russia and CIS countries - Anastasia Volochkova.

Birthday - January 20, 1976.

Place of birth - Leningrad, now - St. Petersburg in Russia.

Dad - champion of the Soviet Union in table tennis, athletics coach at a sports school.

Mom is a tour guide in the city of St. Petersburg.

At the age of 5 after watching the ballet "Nutcracker" little Nastya realized that ballet is her destiny.

And since then she began a long and hard climb to the heights of success in ballet.

At the same time, since the age of 8, she denied herself not only meat, bread and buns, but also the usual childhood joys of life.

Her mother baked cutlets of pureed carrots, beets and zucchini, while the girl herself was even against the fact that this "cutlet" mass mom fastened at least a spoonful of flour - at most an egg.

Volochkova studied at the Russian Academy of Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova at the famous teacher and popular former ballerina Natalia Dudinskaya, graduated from the Academy on "excellent" .

In 1994 Anastasia became a trainee at the Mariinsky Theater and there she made her debut as a ballerina on the big stage as Odette-Odile in the ballet "Swan Lake".

At the same time in Kiev she managed to get a gold medal and take the first place in the prestigious Second International Ballet Competition.

After this momentous victory, the career of the invincible ballerina and beauty began to take off.

Then in 1996 she won the International Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers named after Serge Lifar in Kiev, where the talented young girl presented a marvelous production of "The Demise of the Gods. Vilisa."

Recognition of the young star's talent by the audience was accompanied by getting more and more difficult and responsible roles, numerous tours abroad.

In 1998, the Bolshoi Theater of Russia condescended to invite the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

But she does not rely only on her employers, and creates a personal, solo, interesting ballet program, travels around the world with tours that have an incredible scope and success.

In 2000 the ballerina was recognized as the most talented ballerina in Europe by the jury of the ballet competition in St. Pölten, Austria at the "Golden Lion" competition.

In 2001, Volochkova and another outstanding Russian ballerina Maya Plisetskaya became personally acquainted, during which Maya Plisetskaya personally trained Anastasia for the Bolshoi Theater and gave her all of her rich repertoire.

In 2002 in the biography of the famous ballerina there is a pleasant and clearly deserved event - she becomes Honored Artist of Russia.

In 2003 Nastya received the Peter the Great Medal for her constant charitable assistance to orphans, children living in orphanages and orphanages.

But, as ballerina Anastasia Volochkova herself says, it's sad to realize that these abandoned and essentially nobody needs these children, not even themselves.

"I had my own dream, my own goal already at the age of 5, and many modern children 15-16 years old, or rather - already young people, because it is no longer a child's age, do not even know who they want to be in life, what they want to achieve .... It's very sad..."

As for professional disappointments, she was severely knocked out in her time by the illegal dismissal from the Bolshoi Theater, with which she had a permanent contract.

The director of the Bolshoi Theater at one point and retroactively fired the ballerina without giving any reasons.

To restore justice and her good name, Anastasia had to go through all the circles of legal proceedings until she proved her rightness and illegality of dismissal.

This whole unpleasant situation with the illegal dismissal and the forced collection of signatures of other Bolshoi Theater employees against her lasted for 5(!) years - from 2000 to 2005.

Despite Nastya's convincing victory in many court proceedings, she still no longer worked at the Bolshoi Theater, preferring to stage solo performances and successfully tour with them not only in Russia, but also in England, the United States, Japan and other countries around the world.

As Volochkova herself says, the director of the Bolshoi Theater first fired her retroactively, and then, after she filed a lawsuit in court, began to explain her position by her alleged "great weight, great height", and that she allegedly would have been better off "as a swimmer rather than a ballerina".

In fact, according to the personal measurements of journalists from the New York Times, who personally measured Anastasia Volochkova in a restaurant when she was in New York, Anastasia Volochkova's height is even lower than that of such famous ballerinas as Ulyana Lopatkina, Svetlana Zakharova (168 cm), Maya Plisetskaya (167 cm).

According to the results of height measurements by foreign journalists, her height was only 166 cm!

As Anastasia herself says, her height has always been about 170 cm, so she asked the journalists to add a couple of centimeters to get her usual height - 168 cm.

Volochkova's weight is quite normal, as for her height - only 52 kg, in which most of the star's bones are taken up, because she is always sitting on a strict diet, on green salad leaves and spinach.

The ballerina herself comments on this: it is terribly frustrating when you and your work are known from dirty gossip. It often happens to me that in an airplane the stewardess says to me: "Anastasia, you're not really as tall as they say you are."

The same happens when she walks into a cafe or restaurant and people see her figure with their own eyes, not through the prism of journalistic speculation.

It is doubly offensive and ordinary viewers for their favorite.

After all, it is no secret that modern culture is in decline, and she is trying with all her might to popularize ballet, ballet art.

And yet, from lemon - dismissal in the Bolshoi Theater Anastasia Volochkova managed to make lemonade - to become a strong, independent, financially independent woman from anyone.

To date (2009), the blonde from the ballet has managed to star in two films - in the movie "Black Prince" and in the series "A Place in the Sun".

Among her awards and prizes are the Order of the "Badge of Honor of Peter the Great", the Tsarskoselskaya Art Prize, the "Golden Aquarius" award, the "Lady Luxury" award.

In the personal life of the ballet celebrity also everything was not as easy and pleasant as in Russian folk tales.

Star spiteful gossips like already bored everyone like the snow of the day before yesterday, the hosts of limited shows dissolve about Nastya all sorts of vain gossip, which speaks more about the personality of their spreaders than about the ballerina herself.

Evil tongues say that Anastasia Volochkova allegedly "beat off" from the notorious Ksenia Sobchak businessman Vyachelav Leibman, that among her lovers went at one time Sergei Polonsky and billionaire, a member of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Suleiman Kerimov, after the breakup with whom Anastasia even had to acquire their own security.

Should we believe these rumors? And I'll ask the question like this: "Well, even if such events took place in life in her biography, so what? Are you yourself 100% sinless? Judge not, that ye be not judged..."

The simple human desire of a Leningrad girl to find the proverbial female happiness resulted in a marriage with businessman Igor Vdovin (though the last name is eloquent, maybe it's for the best that the wedding then still ended in divorce?!).

The first, but according to the hopes of already departed from the collapse of hopes of show business star - not the last, the wedding resembled a bright show rather than a regular wedding.

During the wedding ceremony, which took place in the glorious city of St. Petersburg, Volochkova changed as many as 5(!) outfits, and the ceremony itself was thought out to the smallest detail - and in this clearly guesses the desire of Anastasia that everything was real, once and for all. But it wasn't meant to be.

Igor Vdovin's promise to make the whole life of his beloved solid fairy tale had a very specific expiration date - 1 year: their marriage lasted from 2007 to the fall of 2008, when, in fact, and there was a divorce.

Evil tongues say that allegedly Anastasia herself beat Igor from his ex-wife, but Nastya claims that at the time of meeting Igor he was already set to divorce, and she to this decision had nothing to do.

After the divorce process, she - the second ex-wife Vdovin Anastasia, believes that it was not a divorce, just their relationship moved to another level, they both changed too much, and the point of gluing the broken cup she does not see.

In addition, now the ballet lady considers herself quite a happy mom with the best daughter in the world - smart and talented Ariadna, Arisha.

By the way, Anastasia's wedding was also attended by the ballerina's daughter, who was two years old by that time.

Daughter Ariadna's birthday is September 23, 2005.

By the way, her mother is against the fact that in the future her beloved daughter will make a career as a ballerina:

"After all, she will want to be not just a ballerina, and prima ballerina, the best of the best. And for this she will have to work very hard, to surpass me and other ballerinas by completely abandoning the joys of life. And I don't want that for her. Let her better be at least a singer, but not a ballerina."

About the reasons for divorce from her husband there are several versions.

People on the Internet believe that Volochkova's divorce from Vdovin occurred because of his cheating with a yoga coach.

According to the version of Nastia herself, her husband got carried away by a new-fangled belief, which she also tried to share, but still to which she treated more like a hobby.

And her husband, it turns out, became seriously interested in it, as a sect, and against this background in his soul there were serious psychological changes, because of which the old way of family life became, alas, impossible.

And now let's talk about the small details of the biography of Anastasia Volochkova.

Favorite colors of the feminine and at the same time unapproachable ballerina - white, yellow and green.

Favorite composers - Vivaldi and Bach, and poets - Blok, Akhmatova and Tsvetaeva.

Favorite house flowers are ficuses.

Very fond of expensive gifts, beautiful, exquisite jewelry.

The slogan of life is as follows: "I will work now, and rest - later!"

Her cherished dream is to build her own chamber theater and ballet school-studio for children.

Official website - volochkova.ru.

On Volochkova's official website you can read the latest news directly from the ballerina herself, read her biography, filmography, teachers, her awards and prizes.

Also on Anastasia's website you can learn more about her concert and academic repertoire, track by the playbill where new concerts are planned.

In the album on her online portal, as well as in her ballet, portrait and concert gallery you can look at beautiful photos, clips, press reviews, read her guestbook and diary, and buy her DVD anthology of her life.

Author: Olga Grigoryan

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