
The Russian army is facing a shortage of shells and running out of operational reserves: Russian media describe the situation in the Zaporizhzhia sector

The war in Ukraine

In the Zaporizhzhia sector, where the Ukrainian Defence Forces are continuing their counter-offensive, the occupation forces are facing a number of problems. They are facing a real "shell famine", the Ukrainian Armed Forces are gradually achieving parity in artillery, and Russian attack drones are losing effectiveness.

At the same time, the occupiers are faced with a shortage of personnel and mass desertion: to restrain the onslaught of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, they have to transfer units from other parts of the front, weakening them. This was reported by the Telegram channel "Spy Dossier".

The author of the channel, who calls himself "an employee of one of the special services", described the situation in the Russian troops as of Sunday, 23 July.

According to him, the main fighting in the Zaporizhzhia sector is taking place near the village of Rabotyne. Units of the 291st, 70th and 71st motorised rifle regiments of the Russian Armed Forces and Storm Z assault units are trying to hold back the Ukrainian counter-offensive in this area of the front. Also, the forces of the 810th Separate Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet are periodically deployed to Rabotyno. And this, according to the author of the "Spy Dossier" channel, weakens Russian positions in the direction of Vasylivka.

"The redeployment of the 810th Brigade significantly affects the combat capabilities of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kamianske - Vasylivka area, where the Ukrainian Armed Forces have had partial success. Personally, I do not understand why such "rollovers" are being made, because from a strategic point of view, Vasylivka should be a priority over Rabotyn, but apparently the local command knows better," the statement said.

At the same time, the demoralisation of the Russian troops in the Zaporizhzhia sector is growing. On 21 July alone, it became known that 383 servicemen from the 71st Motorised Brigade and 810th Separate Mechanised Brigade deserted. The Russian military police are currently searching for the fugitives, but have so far managed to catch only a few.

All the deserters may face an unenviable fate: their punishment is likely to be a return to the frontline, where Russia is facing an acute shortage of personnel.

"The Spy Dossier" also writes that the so-called artillery "duels" are still important at the front. Over the past month, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have been gradually gaining artillery superiority over the enemy, not least due to the active destruction of Russian Armed Forces weapons with the help of HIMARS MLRS.

At the same time, the "shell famine" that the owner of the Wagner PMC, Yevhen Prigozhin, used to shout about so much is gradually becoming a reality for the Russian occupiers.

"Given the virtually round-the-clock 'work' of artillery, the units of the Russian Armed Forces are experiencing a significant shortage of ammunition, the deficit of which is growing every day. Every shell counts, total economy. For each shot, the crew is 'accountable'," the message says.

At the same time, the channel's author claims that a new kind of "deficit" has emerged: according to him, Russian troops have begun to experience a shortage of ammunition for air defence.

"In this section of the front, the Russian Armed Forces have concentrated dozens of Pantsirs, TORs, etc., which are supposed to cover the connection from attacks by Haimars, UAVs, etc. Again, given the virtually continuous combat operations, the stock of air defence missiles is gradually being depleted and not properly replenished," the channel's author stated.

The Russian army in Ukraine has also encountered problems with the use of its ZALA Lancet strike UAVs. Previously, they were a formidable weapon to combat Ukrainian armoured vehicles. They were delivered to the frontline every ten days.

But recently, the effectiveness of these attack drones has begun to decline.

"This is influenced by two factors: limited intelligence capabilities to search for enemy weapons (the UAV operator largely relies on the "luck" factor) and the gradual adaptation of the Armed Forces' capabilities to fight Lancets. The latter is achieved through the transfer of foreign weapons to fight Russian UAVs. In particular, we are talking about the use of German Gepard anti-aircraft systems and British Stormer systems equipped with Starstreak HVM missiles to combat "small, low-flying objects", the author of the Spy Dossier described his vision of the situation with Russian attack drones.

In his opinion, these factors suggest that the situation at the front will soon develop rapidly.

"Given all the factors that are unfolding around this area, the current situation resembles a 'prelude' to the upcoming 'big show'. And not only in this area," the author of the channel summed up.

The Russian army is facing a shortage of shells and running out of operational reserves: Russian media describe the situation in the Zaporizhzhia sector

Earlier, the General Staff said that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had driven the occupiers out of their positions near Andriivka in the Bakhmut sector.

According to Cherevaty, the liberation of this settlement makes it possible to encircle the enemy in Bakhmut.

Only verified information is available in our Obozrevatel Telegram channel and Viber. Do not fall for fakes!

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