
The consequences of the Russian terrorist attack on the hydroelectric power plant and defense: Zelensky had a telephone conversation with Macron

Zelensky had a telephone conversation with Macron

On Wednesday, June 7, President Volodymyr Zelensky shared information about his telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron. The main topic of discussion was the terrorist act of the Russian army at the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant.

This was reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine. The parties discussed the possibility of an international investigation into the disaster.

During the conversation, President Zelensky informed President Macron about the current situation in Kherson region after the explosion of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, which was carried out by Russia. He also shared with Macron the most urgent needs of Ukraine in connection with this catastrophe, which require an immediate solution and support from the international community.

During the phone conversation between President Zelensky and President Macron, the possibility of an international investigation into the disaster in the Kherson region related to the bombing of the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant by Russia was discussed.

"The leaders of Ukraine and France agreed to continue defense cooperation, in particular on the protection of the Ukrainian sky. The importance was noted of starting the training of Ukrainian combat aircraft pilots as soon as possible," the report said.

In addition, Zelensky and Macron discussed security guarantees for Ukraine and the "peace formula" and preparations for a summit dedicated to it.

We shall remind you that in the morning of June 6, it became known that the occupants blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant, with up to 80 settlements under threat of flooding.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky called the Russian attack the largest man-made eco-catastrophe in Europe in decades.

Evacuation of the population was announced in the settlements of Kherson, which fall into the flood zone.

According to Ukrenergo, the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant is completely destroyed and cannot be restored. They warned about the threat of ZNPP, because water from the Kakhovka reservoir was used to cool the reactors, and after the terrorist attack, the water level in the reservoir is rapidly decreasing.

The world condemned the aggressor state for what it had done. One after another, a number of Western leaders held Russia responsible for the horrible attack, noting that "terrorists will not stop if they are not stopped.

Russia itself cynically blamed Ukraine for the terrorist attack. Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Ukraine needed to destroy its own hydroelectric plant and create a disaster commensurate to the Chernobyl accident in order to deprive occupied Crimea of water and because of an alleged "failed counterattack."

Only verified information in our Telegram channel Obozrevatel and in Viber. Do not be fooled by fakes!

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