
"The performance is far from good": Rebrov's first reaction to the draw for the Euro 2024 knockout matches

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Rebrov assessed the match with Bosnia

Head coach of the Ukrainian national team Serhii Riebrov calmly accepted the results of the playoff draw for the 2024 European Championship, according to which the Blue and Yellows will face a semifinal match with Bosnia and Herzegovina. According to our team's coach, he takes the opponent seriously despite his fiasco in the group stage of qualification.

Rebrov said this in an interview with the Ukrainian Football Association (UFA). The coach of the Ukrainian team noted that today it is difficult to predict anything because the game with the Bosnians is still almost four months away, and during this time much can change.

"We will prepare for this opponent. It's too early to say anything yet because there are still three to four months of preparation ahead. It is very important to see how well all our players will be prepared for the playoffs. We have information about who we will play against, and I am sure that we will be ready for the March meetings. I'm familiar with the Bosnia and Herzegovina national team, they have good players. Even though they did not perform very well in their group in this qualifying cycle," Rebrov said.

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