
"Is there really so much sh*t in your life? Russian champion from Dubai addressed her countrymen

Maksym InshakovSport
The titled athlete received a lot of unflattering feedback on the Internet

Natalya Nepryayeva, the Beijing 2022 Olympic champion in the ski relay, has addressed Russians who send her negative comments on the Internet. The 27-year-old native of Tver is spending her holiday in Dubai.

"A post of kindness. Dear haters, and everyone else, what is tearing you up so much, is there really so much sh*t in your life that it's bursting out?" - Nepryayeva wrote on her Instagram.


The two-time world champion wished everyone who hates her to be kinder and take care of themselves first.

"And everything will work out for you, and you will become kinder, and you will stop being jealous, because the complexes will go away, you will see," the athlete added.


For Nepryayeva, haters evoke no emotions other than pity.

"You can't even imagine how stupid and unhappy you look in the eyes of happy and kind people," she said.


In the comments, fans noted that the champion's post was similar to the diplomacy of the Russian Foreign Ministry


"Haters have always been a phenomenon, are and will be. Regardless of their motivation. And in this case, it is Nepryayeva herself who is being bombed. There are too many moralities. And she hasn't forgotten to call people names either. It's strange that such a young, happy and successful madam is so bombastic about some unfortunate and unknown haters. Maybe there's something to be fixed in happiness and success?" - users ask ironically.


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