
"A great tragedy": Emelianenko spews nonsense about 'fascists and nationalists' in Ukraine

Oleksandr ChekanovSport
Emelianenko spoke cynically about the war

The legendary Russian mixed martial arts (MMA) fighter Fedor Emelianenko hypocritically declared his support for Ukrainians who are being killed by his country's army every day. The 47-year-old native of Rubizhne, Luhansk Oblast, has issued traditional Kremlin propaganda narratives about "fascists and nationalists" when speaking about Russian aggression.

Emelianenko Sr. said this in an interview with the Kazakh YouTube channel "Ukyt korsetedi". The accomplice of Vladimir Putin's dictatorial regime and a fan of war accused the Ukrainians themselves, whom he called a fraternal people, of splitting "our Orthodox faith."

"We are not fighting fraternal peoples, but fascists and nationalists. And we support the fraternal people. For any Orthodox believer, what is happening in Ukraine, what is happening between our peoples, is a great tragedy. Every Sunday we say prayers that the Ukrainian people will remove this veil from their eyes, that the split in our Orthodox faith will stop. We are experiencing this with great pain," Emelianenko said.

Earlier, Mikhail Mamiashvili, president of the Russian Wrestling Federation (FSBI), complained about the Ukrainians' disgust with Russian representatives.

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