
They were rubbed with cheese! Scientists have finally uncovered the secret of Chinese mummies

Inna VasilyukNews
A female mummy smeared with cheese. Source: Wenying Li, Xinjiang Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology.

About 20 years ago, a group of archaeologists discovered a mysterious white substance that was on 3,600-year-old mummies found in China. Finally, scientists managed to find out that the remains were smeared with kefir cheese.

Experts say that the mummies date back to about 3300-3600 years, which puts them in the Bronze Age. And the deposit on them is the oldest known sample of cheese in the world, writes DailyMail.

They were rubbed with cheese! Scientists have finally uncovered the secret of Chinese mummies

About two decades ago, a team of archaeologists discovered mysterious white substances applied to the heads and necks of several mummies found in the Xiaohe cemetery in the Tarim Basin in northwestern China.

At first, scientists thought the substances might be a type of fermented dairy product, but they couldn't pinpoint which species. Now, using advanced DNA analysis, researchers have finally solved the mystery.

They were rubbed with cheese! Scientists have finally uncovered the secret of Chinese mummies

Experts identified cow and goat DNA in cheese samples and confirmed that the white substances were kefir cheese. According to the researchers, the ancient cheese is made with kefir and is similar to yogurt, but with a sharper flavor and a milky consistency.

"Our observations suggest that kefir culture has persisted in the Xinjiang region of northwest China since the Bronze Age. It is the oldest known specimen of cheese ever found in the world. Food products such as cheese are very difficult to preserve for thousands of years, so this is a rare and valuable opportunity," said Prof. Qiaomei Fu, head of the Ancient DNA Laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

They were rubbed with cheese! Scientists have finally uncovered the secret of Chinese mummies

The study found that compared to ancient kefir bacteria, modern varieties are less likely to trigger an immune response in the human gut, making it easier to digest.

"This is an unprecedented study that allows us to see how the bacterium has evolved over the last 3,000 years. By studying dairy products, we have a clearer picture of ancient man's life, diet, culture and interaction with the world," Prof. Fu added.

However, it remains unknown why dead people were covered in cottage cheese. Researchers speculate that it may have been a snack for the afterlife. However, this theory scientists will still be taught in future studies.

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