
Why you shouldn't do crafts in the hospital: superstitions few know about

To recover faster, people adhere not only to medical prescriptions but also to superstitions

A hospital stay is an anxious time for any person. No one wants health problems, and when they do happen, we start to take extra care. For example, we follow superstitions, particularly those associated with a hospital bed.

OBOZREVATEL inquired about superstitions in this regard and shared what not to do while in the hospital. In particular, why it is not recommended to engage in needlework during this period?

Any needlework related to threads - sewing, knitting, embroidery - can "tie" a person to the hospital for a long time. Therefore, it is better to postpone these activities until after discharge.

When changing the bed, the patient should not put a pillow on the bedside table. Signs say that this can cause a person's condition to worsen.

It is also not advisable to wish the medical staff a quiet shift or a peaceful shift. According to a well-known belief, the shift after such a wish will not be quiet. Moreover, there is a good chance that problems will arise with the person who wants to wish for good things.

It is also not recommended to excessively praise doctors and medical staff when they perform their duties. Overpraising them may lead the doctor to make a mistake.

Doctors themselves have a superstition that during procedures, especially surgeries, they should not drop instruments on the floor. This is believed to portend that the operation will be difficult.

Patients are also strongly discouraged from forgetting anything in the ward when they are discharged. This may lead to the person returning to the hospital soon.

Similarly, in order not to stay in the hospital, it is advised not to choose a bed that has just become available, no matter how comfortable it may seem. Patients should lie where they were originally placed.

It is considered a bad sign to be treated with folk methods right in the hospital, as it is believed to portend a long and difficult recovery.

To avoid being hospitalized again, some people recommend turning over the mattress on which the patient was lying when discharged.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you why people consider it a bad omen to sleep with a cat.

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