
Why should you not cry on your birthday: the essence of superstition

Alina MilsentLife
Tears on your birthday are considered a bad omen

There are many folk signs and beliefs associated with birthdays. It has long been believed that you shouldn't celebrate your fortieth birthday loudly, and shedding tears on your birthday is a sign of trouble and loss.

People say: "How you celebrate your birthday is how you will spend the whole year." OBOZREVATEL analyzed the essence of the sign.

According to one interpretation, the day a person is born is a special time and every year this date has a sacred meaning. Supporters of the superstition believed that tears on a person's birthday do not bode well, as they can bring misfortune and problems. These include illness, financial difficulties, troubles in personal life, domestic conflicts, etc.

According to the belief, crying on your birthday can cause you to lose the protection of a guardian angel. This day was given sacred significance because, according to some interpretations, it is on the day of birth that all the benefits of the universe seem to open up to a person, giving him or her the strength and ability to radically change their fate.

The most fatal version claims that tears on a birthday can shorten the life of a person on earth, not only the birthday person but also his or her parents.

Therefore, on the eve of a birthday, people were advised to let go of all grievances and misunderstandings and celebrate the new year with a pure heart and good intentions.

And if you cry on your birthday, it should be out of happiness. In this case, the negative meaning of the sign loses its effect. Tears of joy will bring the birthday person a happy year full of pleasant changes, good news, and victories.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you why people are so afraid of Friday the 13th.

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