
What to expect from the Moon in Taurus: tarot horoscope until the end of March for all signs

Horoscope until the end of March

The end of March promises to be intense and dynamic. Celestial transits, in particular the Moon in rational Taurus, will encourage you to make important decisions.

Astrologers use tarot cards to make a more specific prediction and look at the situation from a different perspective. The cards can provide important advice and warnings.


Tarot card: Tower

The universe seems to be closing some doors in front of you, so don't be too stubborn and keep trying to open them. The Tower is a card of change and breakthrough, but you will have to change direction and pay attention to other paths. You have the opportunity to run freely towards your goal, but you need to take off your rose-colored glasses and carefully assess the situation.


Tarot card: Lovers, reversed

Lovers is a card of doubt. Anyone can be tempted, and after a long relationship, you will probably want novelty. You'll think it's just a safe flirtation, but casual glances can lead to more. If you feel unhappy or dissatisfied, it's better to tell your partner and put an end to the relationship than to live in deception.


Tarot card: Knight of Pentacles

It is very difficult to tell the truth if you know that this message can harm your relationship. Honesty is indeed the best choice. Your partner deserves to know the truth. Show care and sensitivity, but don't avoid having honest conversations.


Tarot card: Ace of Swords

Wit can help you solve a number of life problems and overcome some difficulties. When faced with difficult trials, try to look for the positive in everything. You have a choice: get angry with the whole world or let go of the situation.


Tarot card: The Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is a card that encourages big dreams, but they may not always come true. The universe is giving you a hint: remember that it takes more than one person to realize a big dream. To achieve a big goal, you need help, so don't be too closed and selfish.


Tarot card: Nine of Wands, reversed

You will go through all the trials and tribulations. The first step to accepting the situation is to realize that your life is going through a series of ups and downs. Dark times are very difficult because they block your ability to see the light. But knowing that a single turn of events can lead to a better future is empowering. It's only a matter of time before these difficulties are behind you.


Tarot card: Hierophant

You have been dealt a card of faith and morality, adherence to traditions and social norms. Some things and situations change slowly. Perhaps you are struggling with some beliefs, religious or political, trying to achieve the common good. You try to be a rebel, but sometimes you have to work through the system to change it.


Tarot card: The Fool

You don't like to sit in one place, so when you see a chance, you rush to drop everything and follow your dreams. However, this tarot card serves as a warning. You can't be so desperate for change that you don't listen to reason.


Tarot card: The Ace of Wands, reversed

You have an ace in your pocket, but now is not the best time to use it. Luck comes when preparation meets opportunity. You may feel prepared, but this Tarot card indicates that something is off. Just don't do anything impulsive.


Tarot card: Four of Cups

You crave a sense of security and stability in your life. However, you can never control certain events. Focus on your personal happiness. You must identify what brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart. Identify your needs and look for joy in the simple moments of everyday life.


Tarot card: Five of Cups

You've had your heart broken in the past, and at the end of March, nostalgic emotions will overwhelm you with incredible power. You may be constantly thinking about an ex who hurt you badly but never apologized for what they did. This is an important time for healing and deep transformation. Seek help when emotions become unbearable.


Tarot card reading: Moon

You have a very strong intuition that you are not always ready to listen to. Sometimes your sixth sense can tell you things that others in your environment find a bit strange. But the card says that you have the ability to look into the future for important clues. Don't ignore your opportunities.

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