
What perennials bloom all summer: the most colorful options for the garden

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The flowering period of these garden plants lasts for months

When we plan our garden in the spring, we want it to bloom as profusely as possible and at the same time require minimal maintenance. Perennials can help you do this, as they can be planted once and you don't have to work with seedlings every spring.

At the same time, some perennials have a fairly long flowering season, which is an additional advantage. OBOZ.UA has compiled a list of such plants that will decorate the garden and will delight you for many years.

Maiden pink

The silver or dark green narrow leaves of the squat plant fit well into decorative compositions. The delta carnation blooms very brightly, and its flowering season lasts all summer - from June to September.

Sea thrift

The flower looks great on alpine hills and thrives on light soils. The inflorescences of the cinquefoil have a bright pink color and a delicate aroma. The plant begins to bloom in late spring and continues to produce new buds until the first cold weather.

Procumbent pearlwort

Like moss, this flower quickly and densely covers the ground with a real carpet of greenery. Fragile white stars of flowers bloom on it all summer long from mid-June.

Narrowleaf evening primrose

The flowering bush blooms in the evening and pleases with bright lemon-yellow flowers at dusk. It begins to bloom in May, if the weather is warm, and does not stop producing new buds until the end of August. One of the key advantages of the plant is its exceptional frost resistance.

Garden phlox

The plant is loved by fans of color in the garden, because its inflorescences come in completely different shades - from snow-white to lilac. At the same time, they also have a characteristic very pleasant smell. Different varieties of phlox bloom at different times. The right combination will delight you with flowers from May to October.


A flowering vine that can both climb up supports and cover the soil. It can be grown both in flower beds and in containers. Clematis flowers vary in size, depending on the variety. It blooms during the first heat wave and continues to bloom until mid-autumn.


Most of all, these flowers resemble miniature sunflowers. They can be of medium height and almost two meters high. They have simple and double petals. And heliopsis bloom from the first to the last summer warmth, which can now be as late as October.

Tradescantia virginiana

This plant seems even exotic due to its elongated lanceolate leaves. The height of the Tradescantia virginiana bush is up to 60 cm, and the flowers are purple in color. It pleases with flowering all summer, and some varieties are able to produce flowers even before the first frost.

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