
What can be planted in the open ground in March: hardy species that are not afraid of cold

Yulia PoteriankoLife
In March, you can plant some particularly hardy species in the vegetable garden and in the garden

March in our country is usually still too cold to start active gardening. However, some crops can still be planted in the open ground if you know for sure that they will tolerate unstable weather and night frosts.

OBOZ.UA asked experienced gardeners about what can be planted in March and what work needs to be done in the garden in the first spring month.

As soon as the ground thaws, you can start planting fruit trees and berry bushes in the garden. In particular, in March, it is time to plant apple trees, plums, pears, cherries, apricots, and nuts. You can also plant peaches and cherries if the weather is stable and warm or if you live in the southern regions. Lilacs and jasmine can be planted in March as ornamental shrubs.

To make sure the soil is ready, check it for frozen clumps. As soon as they disappear, you can start working. However, you should dig the soil only if the seedlings have not yet developed buds. Otherwise, they may not take root.

It is also important to make sure that the daily temperature does not drop below 5 degrees Celsius. Regular frosts can cause irreparable damage to the seedlings. In addition, do not plant plants in dry weather or water the planted plants thoroughly.

As for vegetables that are not afraid of frost and are ready to be planted outdoors as early as March, they include radishes, early carrots, herbs, beets, and peas. The following flowers can also be planted: antirrhinum, petunia, echinacea, bell, and aster.

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