
The stylist named the main mistake in painting over gray hair

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Pamela Morrissey doesn't recommend bleaching your hair to hide gray hair

When it comes to anti-aging care, a lot of attention is paid to the skin and a little less to the hair. Meanwhile, hair not only turns gray over time, but also becomes thinner.

The famous British hairstylist Pamela Morrissey hastened to reassure us that with proper care, these problems can be successfully overcome. She told RSVP Live about how to properly cover gray hair.

According to Morrissey, one of the causes of gray hair is a lack of hair nutrition. However, there is a fairly simple way to combat this. "The blood circulation in the scalp decreases as we get older, so the blood flow is not as strong as it used to be. This interferes with hair nutrition and even affects pigmentation. Blood flow is important for maintaining the natural color of your hair. Tapping or massaging your scalp for two minutes a day will increase blood flow to the area. You can even do this when you're in traffic," she explained.

Such a massage will also help prevent hair thinning, the stylist says. In addition, she advises regular exercise and a brisk walk for those who want to preserve the youthfulness of their hair. According to Morrissey, any activity that increases blood circulation throughout the body is suitable for this.

But the expert called dyeing hair a light color a mistake in the fight against gray hair. According to her, the widespread belief that blond is similar to gray hair and therefore masks it well is wrong. In addition, with this approach, it can be difficult to choose a tone that matches the skin tone. In addition, bleached hair requires more careful maintenance, because bleaching washes away the natural pigment and dries out the hairs, which, in turn, accelerates the aging process even more.

Instead, Morrissey recommended that those who want to preserve the natural color of their hair should take care of their gut health. "The gut is extremely important in preventing thinning and aging of hair and skin. Sauerkraut, kefir, and kimchi are all good bacteria that help the gut fight off bad bacteria, maintaining gastrointestinal health in the body, which is so important for skin and hair," she says.

Among the foods that will be good for hair, Morrissey specifically advised eating those that contain omega-3 unsaturated acids. "Take fish oil from cod liver, try to eat a lot of fish. It's not some myth that eating fish makes your hair shiny. It's true," the stylist says.

She also advised using oils to moisturize your hair. According to Morrissey, castor and argan oils are good for nighttime care. For daytime, camellia and jojoba oils are suitable - lighter in texture and with a less greasy effect.

As OBOZREVATEL wrote, there are several ways to effectively hide gray hair, besides dyeing.

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