
The fog is going away: what the first week of December prepared for all zodiac signs

Horoscope for the beginning of December 2023

The beginning of December will bring many exciting events. On Monday, December 4, romantic Venus entered the passionate and assertive sign of Scorpio. This transit will help build relationships, encouraging you to trust your partner.

On Wednesday, Neptune completes its retrograde, which, by the way, began in Pisces on June 30. Astrologers say that the fog of uncertainty and ambiguity will finally dissipate, and clarity will come to matters. Saturday's opposition between Venus and Jupiter will encourage you to trust your intuition.


Venus enters Scorpio on Monday and will inspire you to meet new people. You'll also be "checking in" with old friends to see if their behavior is trustworthy. On Wednesday, Neptune will move directly into your spiritual zone ruled by Pisces, encouraging you to deepen your spiritual practice. And Saturday's Venus-Jupiter opposition will help you open up to an influential person to get things done.


On Monday, love and romance will literally be in the air. Venus' transit in Scorpio will rekindle your passion. You'll be convinced of the good old truth that opposites are like magnets. On Wednesday, astrologers advise you to spend time talking with friends. And Saturday's Jupiter-Venus opposition will help you strengthen your strength and heal some wounds.


Venus' transit to Scorpio will remind you that mindfulness, focus, and awareness are key to relationships. On Wednesday, Neptune will influence your career, bringing back your professional momentum, so don't ignore new ideas. Saturday's Jupiter-Saturn opposition will inspire you to take a leadership role in a project.


You should open up more to the world. On Monday, romantic Venus enters the brave sign of Scorpio, helping you share important truths about yourself to feel connected and protected. On Wednesday, Neptune moves right into your wisdom zone, encouraging you to apply new information. Saturday's Venus-Jupiter opposition will help you find a work-life balance.


Venus enters Scorpio on Monday, a transit that will keep your romantic and intimate relationships emotionally secure. On Wednesday, Neptune moves directly into your intimacy zone ruled by Pisces, helping you to see what dynamics are real and where you should go from there. The Venus-Jupiter opposition will encourage you to seek out family comfort and frank conversations.


In a relationship, the intellectual component is almost in the first place for you. Venus enters Scorpio on Monday, turning you into the smartest and most attractive suitors who will definitely succeed in new acquaintances. On Wednesday, Neptune moves right into your romantic zone ruled by Pisces, clearing up any misunderstandings in your relationship. Saturday's Venus-Jupiter opposition will help you make sure your partner is trustworthy.


Money will work for you this week. Venus enters Scorpio on Monday and helps you to improve your financial situation. On Wednesday, Neptune moves directly into your Pisces-led house of well-being, helping you take small steps to improve your health. Saturday's Venus-Jupiter opposition will inspire you to define and realize your goals. Favorable changes are on the horizon, but it's important to act in a way that's consistent with your values.


Venus enters your sign on Monday, bringing more romance and money into your life. On Wednesday, Neptune will help you build up your self-confidence and improve your self-esteem. Saturday's Venus-Jupiter opposition will bring financial gains, but it's important not to make impulsive decisions.


You will have to face a person from the past who has caused you a lot of pain. On Wednesday, the transit of Neptune and Pisces will facilitate sincere conversations and clarity in relationships. You'll be able to make the right decision. Saturday's Venus-Jupiter opposition will encourage you to notice the little things and enjoy life with your family.


The transit of Venus and Scorpio will encourage you to establish personal and work relationships. On Wednesday, Neptune will complete its retrograde motion, clearing up old misunderstandings. Saturday's Venus-Jupiter opposition wants you to take the lead to achieve success.


Your communication and negotiation skills, combined with the patronage of influential people, will provide a winning strategy for your career. On Wednesday, Neptune moves directly into your financial zone ruled by Pisces, inspiring you to rethink your sources of income. Saturday's opposition between Venus and Jupiter will strengthen your emotional intelligence for professional success.


Venus enters Scorpio on Monday and helps you rethink your relationships with more optimism and faith in success. On Wednesday, Neptune finally completes its retrograde motion, helping you move forward with confidence. Saturday's opposition between Venus and Jupiter will inspire you to use your communication skills to meet new people, which may eventually turn into a romantic relationship.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you which signs will have a life-changing year in 2024.

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