
You can not do this even in winter: why drying things on radiators is a gross mistake

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Experts do not recommend drying clothes on radiators

The cold and dampness in apartments this winter is prompting Ukrainians to dry their laundry on radiators more often. However, experts warn that this is a bad idea, especially in the current conditions when the temperature of the heating medium in the system is lower than usual.

British consumer goods expert Rebecca Bebbington explained the reason for this, the Mirror reports. According to her, the mechanism is simple: when things dry in this way, they increase the humidity in the room. Thus, they take longer to dry.

To speed up the drying process, Bebbington recommends putting clothes on an extra spin cycle to remove as much moisture as possible. In addition, she advised drying clothes in rooms where it is possible to at least open a window so that excess water vapor can escape. Another way is to use sunlight on clear days. Things hanging on the clothesline will also dry faster.

The expert mentioned a dehumidifier as one of the household appliances that can really help with drying laundry. It purposefully sucks moisture out of the air, so it works even better than hanging things on radiators.

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