
Last chance in November: how to protect roses from wind and cold

Yulia PoteriankoLife
For roses to bloom magnificently in the new season, you need to take care of their safety in winter

Roses are hardy flowers, many varieties of which bloom until the frost. But that doesn't mean you don't need to take care of them before winter. It is in November that the time comes to complete all the work.

OBOZ.UA asked the advice of floriculture enthusiasts about what exactly should be done with rose bushes on the eve of winter. Here is what they advised to protect the plants from the winter cold and wind.


According to experts, pruning is one of the most effective ways to prepare a plant for winter winds. And November is the last chance to do it. Wait until the last flowers have faded and cut back the stem roses to a third of their length. Shrub plants should be cut to the outward-facing bud. The cut should be beveled and made with a sharp, pre-disinfected tool. Beveled cuts, in particular, will prevent cold winter rains from settling on the leaves and causing rot.

Protection from the wind

The cold winter wind itself is not terrible for the ground part of the plant, if it is not so strong as to break it. But it can sway the stem so much that it damages the upper roots of the rose. In particular, those hairs that absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil.

Buddleia, dogwood, lavater and abutilon also suffer from this problem. They can be protected by tall plants planted nearby, which will delay gusts of wind. However, you can take care of roses and other garden plants with the help of a net by wrapping the bushes with it. This work should be done in November so that the flowers are fully protected before the first snow.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you how to properly store a dug chrysanthemum in winter.

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