
How to wash hands after peeling new potatoes: old effective methods

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Even with stains from new potatoes on the skin, you can cope

New potatoes are one of the most delicious dishes of early summer. But it's not just difficult to peel them. Afterward, dark spots remain on your hands that can't be washed off immediately with soap and water.

However, OBOZREVATEL found life hacks on how to get rid of these stains quickly and effectively or even avoid them altogether.

How to peel new potatoes without getting your hands dirty

The best way to avoid getting stains on the skin of your hands is to protect them with gloves - thin household or medical gloves - while peeling. You can also rinse your hands under running water from time to time. It will immediately wash away all the substances that stain the skin and nails. A small amount of vinegar, which can be applied to the skin in the process, will also dissolve these dyes.

Another life hack: do not peel new potatoes at all. Its skin contains the most nutrients is quite thin, and does not give a noticeable aftertaste, but on the contrary, makes the taste of potatoes more savory.

How to wash your hands after new potatoes

If you still notice stains on your skin after working with potatoes, acidic products will help you remove them. You can wipe your hands with a slice of fresh lemon - its juice will remove dyes well. A citric acid solution or a mixture of vinegar and water in equal proportions will also work.

You can also crush a fresh tomato into a pulp in any way and keep your hands in it for 15 minutes. After that, all you have to do is wash them with warm water and soap.

However, after such cleaning, do not forget to lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream. After all, acid does not act on it in the best way. It destroys the protective barrier and makes the skin drier. Therefore, it will need additional protection.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to quickly wash your hands after working with the ground - in the garden, in the garden or in flowerpots.

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