
How to prolong a cat's life: 5 mistakes that shorten your pet's lifespan

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Correct care and feeding contribute to a cat's longevity

When we adopt a new pet, we always hope that it will live with us as long as possible and will delight us with its antics for many years. However, some owners forget that a cat needs careful attention, almost like a child. And they make a lot of mistakes, believing that the animal will cope on its own.

OBOZREVATEL has compiled a few basic mistakes that can affect a purr's life expectancy. If you avoid them, you will significantly increase the chances that the animal will give you its love for many years.

Lack of veterinary care

Even if your cat looks healthy and behaves relatively normally, it doesn't mean that he's not hiding some health problem from you. That's why you should take your cat to the vet at least once a year. The doctor will give the cat all the necessary vaccinations and perform general tests and procedures that are necessary for it, given its health condition. It is important to remember that a cat is not able to tell you what is wrong, and when the symptoms appear, it may be too late.

Feeding "human" food

Cats are obligate carnivores, so the vast majority of their diet should consist of natural meat and offal. Not sausage, not sausages, and not even skin or bones. And certainly not vegetables or sweets. The digestive system of furry animals is very sensitive and can react negatively to even one wrong meal. It is better to choose the food for the animal taking into account its health, age, activity, etc. If you want to feed your cat natural foods, consult your veterinarian on how to do it properly so that your cat gets all the nutrients it needs, does not risk picking up parasites, and is always well-fed. And make sure that fresh water is always available to your cat.


A fat cat really looks very cute. But, just like in humans, being overweight in these animals entails a whole bunch of health problems - excessive stress on the heart and joints, the risk of developing diabetes and cancer, and other risks that can significantly shorten the pet's life. Therefore, you shouldn't give in to the provocations of a cat that is constantly asking for food. They often do it "for the love of art," not because of hunger. Feed purrs according to the norms and does not go beyond them.

Mistakes in grooming "for appearance"

Cats are quite good at taking care of their fur and claws on their own. But they could use some help with this, too. Fluffy cats need to be brushed so that they don't swallow hair, which can have a bad effect on the digestive system. Bald cats should be wiped down, as they accumulate dirt that causes skin diseases and also get sunburned. Flatheads should be helped with cleaning their eyes and nose. And in no case should you surgically remove cats' claws! If your sofa is so precious to you, it is better not to get a cat. After all, claw removal cripples the animal's paws, causes problems with walking and disrupts its sense of balance. Usually, a nimble animal can simply fall down and get severely injured after such a procedure. It can even be fatal.

Lack of attention

Although cats are not very social animals, they still want to have a little communication from the people they love. And social deprivation leads to stress and can provoke depression or aggression in cats. So don't forget to pet your furry friend and play with him. Don't drive him away when he's sitting next to you. And never leave it alone for a long time. If you go on vacation, find a caretaker or a foster home.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you how to identify a cat's stress and help it cope with it.

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