
How long do cats remember their owners: what they think about people

Alina MilsentLife
Cats handle separation from their owner differently

Frequent concerns arise among owners who must leave their cats for extended periods: Will the cat remember them after a prolonged absence? Can the animal adapt to new temporary caregivers without excessive stress?

Experts emphasize that providing a definitive answer to these questions is challenging, as it hinges on the cat's psyche and character. OBOZREVATEL delves into what cats think about their owners and explores the duration of their memory.

How Cat Memory Functions

A cat's memory of its owners operates uniquely. Cats, being highly sensitive to their environment, form attachments when they feel secure. Researchers note that cats perceive people as oversized cats, emphasizing the importance of a non-aggressive demeanor. Cats comprehend intonation, facial expressions, and gestures.

Cat thinking, psyche, and memory vary widely based on individual traits and breeds. Some cats are notably independent, disliking excessive attention or affection. They prioritize essentials like food, water, and a clean litter box, adapting quickly to new surroundings.

Conversely, some cats are sociable, playful, and affectionate, forming strong bonds with their owners. In their absence, these cats may exhibit signs of distress, even refusing food and water while seeking refuge in a secure hiding place. There are documented cases of cats experiencing prolonged stress and illness due to separation from their owners.

Recognition After Long Separation

Cats boast a remarkable olfactory memory, enabling them to recognize their owners even after years apart. They retain recollection of a person's voice, intonation, and touch, provided there was a close, trusting relationship in the past. Cats tend to remember individuals with whom they spent substantial time.

Volunteers at animal shelters corroborate that cats can indeed recognize their owners even after several years of separation.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told you which cat breeds are best suited for an apartment.

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