
Horoscope for 2024: What retrograde Mercury will bring to Virgo and Leo for all zodiac signs

Horoscope for the period of retrograde Mercury

Mercury retrograde is always a special period in astrology. In 2024, the retrograde in Virgo and Leo will have a particularly strong impact on all zodiac signs.

Virgo, as an earth sign, strives to improve or at least "fix" everything that goes wrong in our lives. According to astrologers, this tendency will be strongest from August 4 to 14, 2024, before Mercury enters Leo. Once in Leo, Mercury retrograde will take a more creative approach, as it will be under the power of the Sun and will create only positive aspects with other planets.


The first part of the Mercury retrograde period will be devoted to reviewing your work and general life processes. You should take care of your health issues and visit doctors on time. If your nutrition and wellness regimens are not working, you will need to radically change them. The second part of the retrograde will be calmer, but you shouldn't let your guard down: exes may appear on the horizon.


The beginning of the retrograde will be very favorable as it will take place in your creative sector. Enjoy yourself, create, be inspired, and look for new ideas that will bring success and recognition. You will have to deal with family issues soon. It's important to avoid disputes and avoid getting into conflicts.


Get ready for changes, Gemini! The retrograde will be truly life-changing. You will have to make important decisions and negotiate. You may need to change your mind so that all parties can agree. Be sure to spend time with your family.


Unfortunately, you will have to face all the classic failures and difficulties of Mercury retrograde. Carefully check your emails, text messages, and all chats so you don't miss important information that could change your future. You will also have to reconsider your budget or spending. Avoid making any rash financial moves.


You will be fully immersed in your career, developing a concept of how to make money and maintain resources. Unexpected expenses may arise that will require radical decisions. The second part of the retrograde will be more intense, as it will take place in your sign. You will have to be patient and take a balanced approach to solving problems.


It's time for a transformation. During the retrograde period, you may realize that something important in your life needs to change. However, do not make hasty decisions. Instead, use the energy for deep introspection. Listen to your intuition and look within yourself for answers.


During the retrograde period, you will feel tired and a bit antisocial. You'll need to take a break from work and rest to recharge your batteries. Allow yourself to step back from your workload. During this period, you may realize that you have changed a lot in recent months. If you feel that you have outgrown some situations and relationships, it's time to say goodbye to them.


Retrograde will affect your career field. You will either want to change jobs or take the risk of starting your own business. This energy will be especially active during the second phase of the retrograde. Mercury will inspire you to ask yourself: is my job in line with my true calling?


Mercury retrograde will create a very philosophical mood for you. Certain situations can make you question your work and even your entire career, so pay attention to work aspects. If you feel that traveling will help you during this mini-existential crisis, plan a vacation in late summer.


You may think that all these retrograde periods never affect you. However, if you analyze the situation, you will notice that something in your belief system has changed dramatically. This will become apparent when you communicate with your partner or family members. Serious conversations will have to take place, but they are very necessary so that you can move forward and even get closer to an important goal as a result.


Mercury retrograde activates your seventh and eighth houses, affecting your relationships, so get ready for serious conversations with your closest people. Business relationships will also be tested, especially during the second part of the retrograde.


The first phase of the retrograde will be about rethinking and redrawing the boundaries in your relationships. The second part will be more practical, as work projects also need to be put under the microscope and possibly started over. These efforts will allow you to improve your skills.

Earlier, OBOZ.UA told you for which signs it's time to change jobs.

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