
Engineers want to settle people at the bottom of the ocean in 2027: what underwater housing will look like

Dmytro IvancheskulLife
The underwater station will have a futuristic design. Source: DEEP/collage by OBOZREVATEL

The British engineering company DEEP has announced its intention to settle people at the bottom of the ocean in 2027. It is currently about 200 meters deep, but the creators of the idea believe that this will give scientists new opportunities to explore the seabed.

This was reported by IFLscience. The company has already created models of futuristic modular underwater housing that will allow people to live underwater for up to 28 days continuously.

Engineers want to create a Sentinel station that will become a place of residence for ocean researchers. The station will consist of living quarters, a common area, and research laboratories.

Sentinel submersible station at a depth of 200 meters

Steve Etherton, President of DEEP's Europe, Middle East and Africa division, said that humanity must work to preserve the oceans, but that this requires a better understanding of them.

"The oceans are at the center of many of the challenges the world faces, but they also offer opportunities that we haven't even begun to realize yet," Etherton said.

He noted that the oceans provide people with "at least every other breath" and influence the weather, climate and people in general.

At the same time, this ecosystem remains surprisingly little known.

Sentinel Station

That's why DEEP wants to settle researchers at a depth of 200 meters, providing them with the opportunity to better "understand this life-giving environment."

It is planned that the housing will be powered by "renewable energy" and will have satellite communications via buoys. The researchers' waste will be recycled through a bioreactor that is currently under development.

The Sentinel station will be able to operate underwater for up to 20 years.

It is planned that the modular housing will be able to operate on the ocean floor for about 20 years and can be redeployed to different locations around the world.

The company plans to conduct the first tests of its modular housing in a flooded quarry in the UK. Its depth reaches 600 meters.

Sentinel Station

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL reported that the co-founder of the scandalous OceanGate decided to settle people in space.

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