
You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

"Sex and the City is an American television series by HBO that aired from 1998 to 2004.

Based on Candace Bushnell's bestselling novel, Sex and the City tells the story of four best friends. The plot centers on bachelorettes in their 30s. In a whirlwind of careers, adventures and sexual affairs, the main characters are trying to find their place in the New York party scene.

"Sex and the City is a legendary show that has already become a classic. However, even the best shows sometimes leave a strange aftertaste. For every good episode that has stood the test of time and still influences contemporary culture, there is another that depicts a distorted reality or ambiguously touches on sensitive topics. Although Sex and the City is still finding new viewers, even loyal fans will not deny that some episodes can be called the worst. So if you're one of them or you're just starting to get acquainted with the series, here are the 10 worst episodes, according to VOGUE magazine, that you can definitely skip.

Season 1, episode 2

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

It may sound absurd, but it's true - the second episode of the first season is considered a total failure. The episode can be described with the thesis: "men love models". This concept is not exactly revolutionary or even interesting, and it also emphasizes the stereotype that models are two-dimensional creatures.

Season 2, Episode 3

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

It tells the story of men who are considered "freaks" by women, which is enough to call the series a failure. The protagonist Carrie searches the apartment of a wonderful guy in search of "proof" of his weirdness. Charlotte meets "Mr. Pusey," a New York legend who is extremely talented with his tongue. Watching this episode carefully, you may feel the level of absurdity rising. However, the image of a guy playing with a fig, unfortunately, is forever embedded in the memory.

Season 2, Episode 13

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

The plot of this episode revolves around the fact that her friends convince Carrie to sign up for therapy because they are tired of listening to her stories about Mr. Big. Carrie takes their advice and meets the guy in the therapist's office. Although their romance ends in failure, the heroine is extremely dismissive of the importance of therapy, believing that the problems will resolve themselves. Ironically, the one who needs therapy is Carrie.

Season 3, Episode 4

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

This episode is one of the most homophobic and problematic. When Carrie starts dating a bisexual man, she declares her belief that bisexuality does not exist, it is just a stage before becoming gay. Miranda and Charlotte agree with her and believe that the younger generation confuses the concepts of gender and orientation. Fortunately, the progressive Samantha suggests that sexual minorities should be treated with tolerance and understanding, but the negative impression of the episode cannot be changed.

Season 3, Episode 5

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

While this episode contains good moments for the other girls, it is Samantha's storyline that makes it one of the worst. When Samantha starts dating an African-American man, his sister makes it clear to Samantha that she doesn't like their union because of the racial mismatch. Although Samantha insisted that race didn't matter, unfortunately, the whole story just ended up in a very problematic fight between the two women.

Season 3, Episode 18

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

There are some good moments in this episode, but they don't overcome the transphobia, and the stereotypes of trans people are so horrible that it's physically painful to watch.

Season 5, Episode 7

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

Carrie and Samantha take a train to San Francisco to attend a presentation on the occasion of the release of the first book (and to see Big). In short, the entire episode has a strange and contrived plot that is not very interesting to watch.

Season 5, Episode 8

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

While watching this episode, you keep wanting to look somewhere else, because the storylines are really amazing and sometimes even wild. Charlotte is embarrassed by the hair on Harry's back, which forces him to have a painful waxing. The whole company tries to believe that their friend is not gay and is probably getting married for the wrong reasons, and Carrie starts talking to the terrible Jack Berger.

Season 6, Episode 4

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons

Samantha and Smith decide to try role-playing, which is extremely disturbing. She then reacts negatively to Smith going to AA. Charlotte and Harry fight about Shabbat, and Carrie and Jack's fight is for absurd reasons.

Season 6, Episode 17

You can safely skip it: 10 worst episodes of Sex and the City for all seasons


Earlier, OBOZREVATEL wrote about another scandal caused by the sequel to Sex and the City, titled "And just like that...".

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