
Why violets don't bloom: common care mistakes

Alina MilsentLife
Rules for violet care

Violets are delicate, charming, yet rather finicky flowers. They dislike both drying out and overwatering, and even the slightest adverse conditions can cause them to wither. Experts recommend not using ordinary tap water to water violets - the water should be allowed to stand for at least a day so that all impurities settle at the bottom.

It can be quite disheartening to invest time and effort in caring for a violet only to find it steadfastly refuses to bloom. OBOZ.UA has delved into the reasons a violet may not flower and how to provide the flower with optimal conditions.

Inadequate lighting

Violets thrive in ample sunlight, so if the pot is positioned in a dim location, and the leaves aren't receiving enough light, blooming may be unlikely.

Experts suggest that light deficiency is easy to spot: simply inspect the leaves closely. If they elongate upwards, it indicates a lack of sunlight.

On the contrary, dry leaf tips indicate that the plant is exposed to excessive heat, which can result in burns.

Strive to find a happy medium. It's best to place violets in the north, northeast, or northwest part of the house. Violets require approximately 12 hours of light per day in warmer weather.

Watering routine

Overwatering a violet with cold tap water is one of the worst things you can do. In such cases, even young buds may rot.

During winter, violets should be watered once a week, and in summer, increase watering frequency in response to temperature, but typically, two waterings per week suffice.

Boil the water before using it for watering your plants. Settled boiled water is ideal, and it should not come into contact with the leaves.

The appropriate substrate

If you've opted to economize and use regular garden soil for transplanting a violet, we have regrettable news for you. Garden soil is unsuitable for violets. Invest in a specialized lightweight substrate instead. Additionally, violets dislike - and do not require - large pots.

Previously, OBOZ.UA informed you about the fertilizer that can promote year-round blooming for violets.

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