
Why drink hot tea in the heat: the effect will surprise you

Yulia PoteriankoLife
Hot tea activates the body's own cooling abilities

The tradition of the people of Central Asia and the Middle East to drink hot tea in the heat seems strange to us. We are used to quenching our thirst with drinks from the refrigerator and we are afraid to even think about a cup with something hot.

OBOZREVATEL tried to understand how it works. It turned out that scientists have already managed to explain the paradoxical effect of hot tea in the heat.

Cambridge neurobiologist Peter McNaughton said that the use of hot drinks in the heat makes the body more sweaty, which is a natural cooling mechanism in humans. The liquid cools the body by evaporating from the skin. Since sweat glands are located all over the skin, the cooling occurs evenly.

The effect of hot tea lasts long enough, while a cold drink gives only a minute of cooling. Then the body warms itself back up to the same temperature and you suffer from the same heat.

At the same time, McNaughton noted that tea contains a lot of stimulating substances such as caffeine, which can give an unnecessary load on the body in the heat. It can also be prepared without sugar, which is also better for health than sweetened sodas.

Other researchers note that tea contains some electrolytes, which need to be renewed when the body loses a lot of fluids. Plus, it's rich in antioxidants that can protect cells from damage. This is especially true for green tea. A favorite herbal drink like sour carcade will better quench the feeling of thirst because of its taste.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL shared how to help yourself sleep in the heat.

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