
What should not be thrown away at home in the trash to avoid inviting misfortune: a list of prohibitions

Alina MilsentLife
What should not be thrown in the trash according to ancient beliefs

It has long been believed that some things should not be thrown out of the house as it was considered bad luck.

The superstition concerned children's clothes, bread, brooms, and bags. Read OBOZREVATEL's article to find out what the belief is about and why you shouldn't throw away wallets.

Why you shouldn't throw away bread

Perhaps the largest number of folk signs is associated with bread. Bread was treated with special respect. The belief that you should not sweep crumbs off the table with your hand has survived to this day. In times of famine, it was not customary to sweep the leftovers off the table, so bread crumbs were carefully swept into the palm of your hand and eaten. Since then, sweeping away crumbs has been associated with poverty and need.

People still say that the one who throws away bread brings poverty upon himself. It is advised not to take baked goods and bread products to the trash but to give them to cattle or birds.

What to do with children's clothes

Our great-grandmothers believed that children's clothes should be given to those in need and never thrown away.

According to one version of the superstition, it was children's clothes that were usually subjected to the negative and the evil eye, so the whole family could be jinxed. So it's better to do charity work and give children's clothes in good condition to those who need them.

Should you throw away bags and wallets

This superstition is associated with wealth and prosperity. According to beliefs, a wallet stores the owner's financial energy, so by throwing it away, you can get rid of cash flow.

Of course, income directly depends on daily hard work, but if you believe in superstition, it is advised to burn old wallets and bags.

What to do with old clothes and underwear

People are advised to either donate clothes to charity or burn them. People who believe in esotericism emphasize that underwear should not be thrown in the trash to avoid attracting betrayal and misfortune in their personal lives. It is also recommended to burn them.

What should not be thrown away at home in the trash to avoid inviting misfortune: a list of prohibitions

Can I throw away brooms and mops?

According to popular belief, a broom accumulates energy in the house, so you shouldn't burn it. You should simply throw the broom away, preferably away from the house. This also applies to old mops. There is even an interpretation that by throwing away an old broom, you can get rid of negativity and insomnia.

Earlier, OBOZREVATEL told why you shouldn't leave a knife on the table until morning.

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