
What not to do at the table: etiquette rules that everyone forgets

Yulia PoteriankoLife
The rules of etiquette at the table not only do not lose relevance, but also replenished

Despite the fact that in the modern world the rules of behavior are becoming more and more liberal, etiquette still remains very important. For example, at the table during a festive dinner or an ordinary family meal.

Moreover, table etiquette has recently received a few new rules. OBOZREVATEL tells about the ten most important.

Chew with your mouth closed

If you put a piece of food in your mouth, first chew and swallow it. First, you will get more pleasure from the flavor this way. Secondly, when you speak with your mouth full, your diction is impaired and you are difficult to understand. Thirdly, you do not want to have pieces of food flying at you while talking, do you? Thus, don't put others at risk.

Hide your smartphone

If you're not eating alone, then it's a time to socialize with those sitting at the table with you. It would be rude to be distracted by messengers, social media and calls. Before the end of the meal, put your gadget in silent mode and hide it away.

Hold your utensils correctly

The rules for holding a fork, spoon and knife were invented for a reason. If you shovel the contents of your plate and chop the food as if you were holding an axe, you're likely to make a mess. Besides, it looks very unaesthetic.

The table is not a place for hygienic procedures

Blowing your nose in a napkin, wiping your face or picking your teeth in front of other people is unseemly and very ugly. If you need to perform some hygienic procedures, go to the toilet, do what you need to do and only then return to the table. The only exception to this is blotting your lips while eating.

Respond to toasts in the right way

Toasting is an important part of the meal, but you don't necessarily have to toast everyone present during the meal. Reaching for someone on the opposite end of the table can spill wine and ruin someone's clothes or stain the tablecloth. And that's in the best case scenario. So if there are a lot of people at the table, just raise your glass after the toast and that will be enough.

Eat slowly

Even if you sit down at the table with a strong sense of hunger, do not pounce on food. Take the dish in small pieces, chew and swallow slowly. Do not drink in big gulps. Pretty soon you will be full, but you will still look well-mannered.

Don't put your elbows on the table

At the table, try to keep an even posture: do not collapse in your chair and do not put your elbows on the table. You can place your elbows on the table top only between courses, when there is no plate in front of you and all the guests are communicating with each other. But when a new change of dishes is being served, remove your hands and keep them to yourself.

Don't reach across the table

If you are surrounded by people, they will definitely help you get the dish or item you want. Just ask for it politely.

Participate in the conversation

Sitting with a sullen face when everyone is socializing is a sign of neglect. If you have nothing to say or talk about, actively listen to others and respond appropriately to their words and jokes. You were called to visit, it means they want to see you in this company, so say thank you for this participation in the conversation.

Do not salt food without tasting it

This habit can be hard to break. But this is how you show distrust in the culinary abilities of the one who cooked dinner. Therefore, add salt, pepper and other spices only when you have tasted at least a piece.

Earlier OBOZREVATEL shared 10 basic rules of etiquette, which you should always remember.

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