
What not to do at a wedding: etiquette rules that are constantly violated

Alina MilsentLife
How to behave at a wedding

A wedding is always a joyful and exciting moment. Each culture has its own wedding traditions and rituals, but there are also generally accepted rules of etiquette that should not be neglected.

It all starts with the invitation - if you can't make it to the ceremony or the banquet, let them know in advance. You can simply send a gift if you don't want to go to the celebration and find out what dress code rules you need to follow - read the OBOZREVATEL article.

Responding to an invitation

Newlyweds have a lot to do and worry about before the wedding: they need to agree on a restaurant, the number of seats, choose a menu, order drinks... So if you know in advance that you will not be able to attend the banquet, let them know as soon as possible. Don't leave it to the last minute. In case of unforeseen circumstances, you can send an apology message instead of calling the bride and groom.


According to the rules of etiquette, you can send a gift to the couple even if you are not present at the celebration.

Dress code

If the bride and groom have specified the theme of the wedding in their invitations and mentioned the dress code, try to stick to the colors indicated. Let them know in advance if for some reason you are unable to find a dress of the appropriate style or color. It's bad manners to just show up without the proper attire if there is a dress code.

Plus one guest

If the wedding invitation contains only your name and no note "+1 guest", you should not bring someone else to the celebration without warning. The cost of each seat is usually high, and unexpected guests are additional expenses. Bringing another guest to the party without warning is very rude.


Do not be late. The time in the invitation is the time of the ceremony, not the arrival of the guests. If it is written that the wedding will start at 17:00, arrive at the location 5-10 minutes earlier. If you are late, you risk interrupting the ceremony.

Etiquette at the table

The ceremony is over, you are seated at the table. Do not limit your social circle to those sitting next to you. Communicate with all guests throughout the evening. Do not abuse alcohol.

Dancing and entertainment

The stars of the wedding are the newlyweds - all attention should be focused on them. Don't try to be too loud or immodest. Do not attract attention by shouting loudly, do not interrupt guests when they are making toasts, do not dance too explicitly.


Toasts should be appropriate and sincere. Black humor in wedding speeches is unlikely to be appreciated. Do not grab the microphone out of turn and do not make toasts unless you have been asked to do so.

Can I wear a white outfit to a wedding

White is usually considered the color of the bride. You can wear a white outfit in two cases: if this color is specified in the dress code or if you have discussed this issue with the bride in advance and she does not mind. The exception is white men's shirts - they are always appropriate at weddings.

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