
Three mistakes that spoil hair after dyeing and make it brittle are named: how to fix the situation

Kateryna MalayLife
Hair can deteriorate after dyeing at home

Before you decide to dye your hair at home, you should carefully read what is strictly forbidden to do so as not to harm the color and condition of the strands. If you violate three simple rules, your hair may lose its rich shade or even deteriorate altogether.

A hairdresser in a salon will perform the procedure efficiently and give you the necessary advice, but you can change your hair color at home without any problems if you know three simple secrets. The editors of Informe Brasil wrote about them (to see the photo, scroll to the bottom of the page).


It's not for nothing that reputable brands include a powerful conditioner with hair dye, which, according to the instructions, should be used by rinsing off the product. Aggressive dye can dehydrate hair, so you need to moisturize it well after dyeing to avoid brittleness.

Three mistakes that spoil hair after dyeing and make it brittle are named: how to fix the situation

Sulfate shampoos

Products with sulfates in the composition foam better and wash away dirt faster. However, the color is washed off with it. It's better to avoid aggressive shampoos to keep the color on your hair longer. In addition, sulfate-free shampoos do not spoil the quality of the strands.

Three mistakes that spoil hair after dyeing and make it brittle are named: how to fix the situation


Since hair dyes are chemicals, they can react with other substances. For example, chlorine, which is found in swimming pools. If freshly colored hair is immersed in chlorinated water, it can cause the color to wash out faster.

Three mistakes that spoil hair after dyeing and make it brittle are named: how to fix the situation

To keep your hair colored longer and not spoiled, you should refrain from washing your hair for several days, protect your head from the sun's ultraviolet rays, and use nourishing masks.

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